
1974: Marigold Dairies stops home milk deliveries – Post Bulletin

1974: Marigold Dairies stops home milk deliveries – Post Bulletin

1999 – 25 years ago

  • Parma, Italy-based Barilla has completed construction of a 500,000-square-foot plant, factory and warehouse in Ames, Iowa. The plant, now in operation, is the first in the United States.
  • Nearly 4,000 students at Rochester Community and Technical College began their studies in the 1999-2000 academic year.

1974 – 50 years ago

  • The American toy collection of Sears, Roebuck and Co. is now on display at the new Olmsted County Historical Center.
  • Marigold Dairies’ recent decision to stop home milk deliveries will affect approximately 3,000 customers in the Rochester area.

1949 – 75 years ago

  • The Minnesota Republicans have signed Jewel, a three-year-old Siamese miniature elephant, for the state fair. The elephant will be on display in person at the Republican booth near the St. Olaf cafeteria.
  • James Gardiner, Canada’s agriculture minister, is said to be in “good” condition after surgery at the Mayo Clinic. A spokesman for the clinic said Gardiner will be released in 10 days.
  • The “war babies” will burst at the seams in Minnesota’s elementary schools this fall.

1924 – 100 years ago

  • Four-inch hailstorms destroyed hundreds of acres of farm produce in the Plainview area. Hailstones the size of fists caused property damage and many broken windows.
  • A 5,000-pound safe in the Standard Oil Company’s office in Red Wing was blown to pieces by bandits. In the confusion, the robbers were unable to steal any money and fled in two Fords.
  • Rochester Junior College’s faculty this school year includes eleven teachers, a principal, and a dean of women.

Loren Else is a freelance writer for the Post Bulletin.

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