
6 mistakes teen drivers in Idaho make at the gas pump

6 mistakes teen drivers in Idaho make at the gas pump

With the start of the new school year, the streets of the Treasure Valley fill with buses, parents dropping their children off at school, and, yes, even novice drivers driving themselves to school.

“With great power…”

Sure, it’s a quote from a superhero movie, but with great power comes great responsibility. As our police regularly remind us, driving is a privilege, not a right.

Many of us can still remember the first time we got the “green light” (sorry, we had to) to drive alone. For teenagers, it’s an exciting time and a milestone that can open many doors – some for good, some for bad.

Most new drivers in the Treasure Valley have good intentions and want to do the right thing. We are not here to talk about their driving skills, we can all improve in this area.

Aside from vehicle maintenance and parking, one could argue that the second most important area a novice driver needs to become familiar with is the gas pump. Filling up is a relatively simple task, but it can be dangerous, especially if an inattentive teenager is checking their social media.

READ MORE: Idaho driver feels the wrath of instant karma (VIDEO)

Some of the things we go through could seems obvious, but even we experienced drivers make a whole series of mistakes at the gas pump.

What mistakes would you add to the list of mistakes teen drivers make at the gas station? Share your thoughts here.

6 mistakes teen drivers in Idaho make at the gas pump

Don’t let your novice drivers make these mistakes at the gas pump!

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