
Argentina defeated Colombia in the heat of Barranquilla and was forced to a duel without complications in the eliminators of the world

Argentina defeated Colombia in the heat of Barranquilla and was forced to a duel without complications in the eliminators of the world

With more than 35 degrees and El VAR as alias, la Colombia en Nestor Lorenzo Cooking according to the Selection Argentina en Barranquilla. At a crucial moment, the world’s fighters have treated the climate far more hostilely than their rival, as Io super 2-1 with a penalty from many Poles The court must review the game on the monitor again.

What’s more, the Scaloneta is sin Lionel Messi I intend to reach the finale and I can’t wait. I will continue with the second season Eliminators Aunque conservando el primer puesto. Colombia metio A three-year historic trio in front of the Albiceleste for 31 years and stay invicta.

Apenas habían pasado 10 minutes cuando Christian Romero Grant me a short period of time to load the bench with water if you enjoy it to the fullest. Every time one had the opportunity to release moisture in the game for an infringement and sought a moment of mid-life when the Estadio Metropolitano Roberto Menéndez, This is a 75-year-old man from earlier for a sanction of ConmebolThis is a monumental pasado jueves in Chile. In 20 minutes, Lautaro Martinez They have continually brought the bank up to date.

The temperature I was a player who fought more against Argentina than he was obviously affected by there calming atmosphere Installed on the field, a special pressure because the air cannot circulate and the sun does not rest on the field once it escapes from the nuclear areas. An intense night lasted until recently a rato before the party. ¡Qué alivio! Nada de eso. When last year ended and February passed to Asomar, the air broke and the climate rose.

The selection is greater than your rival. Colombia has made even more of an effort before entering the USA and has left the Salida albiceleste high in the rankings. Yes, the visitor has the first clear words Force defensive errors that for very little they did not finish with the ball of the red. The bag is not in the situation of the Argentine equipment and the country Nestor LorenzoYou must use your vertical game plan to check the overall speed Luis Diazdeath has died.

A corner jugado en corto entre James Rodriguez j Jhon Arias Terminó with delivery of the ’10’ Colombian de Zurda and the cabezazo ganador de Yerson Mosqueraque se elevó en the arena chica tras uncaparse de Lisandro Martinez. ¿Pudo haber hecho algo más Emiliano Martinez? El Dibu dudó y no salió a cortar…

Every time the sun stops to take a breather, a great distance is maintained and work is carried out in different zones. And so Argentina has changed its attitude and is looking for right, which was still required before the scan, but it took 2 minutes for the complementary gracias to go to a corrida de Nicolas Gonzalez. The Juventus Flamingo reflector was a last-minute striker two weeks ago for a one-shot deal, but Scaloni left town and eventually went to Mosquera.

At that moment, at the best moment of the selection, when we dominated the time before completion, el VAR Metió la Cola. I picked up the Chilean judge Piero Maza to review a possible failure Nicolas Otamendi above Daniel Muñozque no pareció existir. When I was just dating and James did not respond to Dibu, he was insulted and abused by the fanatics throughout the entire encounter.

Then the fight began. Colombia is as close to being eliminated as Argentina. But not everything is yet close to being free. The ball fell more towards the arch towards Lautaro Martínez when his field was available. And Jhon Durán perished for his part in front of the arch.

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