
Harris’ powerful stance on abortion and Trump’s fact-checking: Key takeaways from the debate | US elections 2024

Harris’ powerful stance on abortion and Trump’s fact-checking: Key takeaways from the debate | US elections 2024

Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris squared off Tuesday night in their first — and possibly only — debate before voters go to the polls on Nov. 5. The candidates entered the event virtually neck and neck in the polls, with just weeks to convince a small but powerful minority of undecided voters how to cast their ballots.

After weeks of wrangling over format and rules, the debate was broadcast live on ABC from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a key swing state. There were no spectators present and all candidates’ microphones were muted while their opponents spoke.

It was Trump’s second presidential debate this year, having also faced Joe Biden in June, whose disastrous performance sparked an uproar within the Democratic Party that ultimately forced Biden to withdraw and made Harris the frontrunner – an outcome that Trump has both taken credit for and lamented at his campaign rallies.

With just 55 days to go before the votes are counted, Harris has worked to show she has a plan and responded clearly to criticism that she has not given voters enough details about her platform and priorities. With targeted rhetoric about planning for the future, building the middle class and rebalancing her record on everything from immigration to climate, Harris has been able to show voters how she wants to lead.

Analysts, meanwhile, watched Trump’s demeanor and clarity. The former president repeated common rhetoric from his rallies – including widely disputed claims about abortion, crime and his belief that he won the 2020 election – but said little about how he would address the most important issues facing Americans.

In addition to their different political positions, the candidates also presented different visions for the country. Trump promised his voters to restore the glory of the past, and Harris proclaimed hope for a better future.

Here are the highlights:

  1. 1. Trump repeatedly spread misinformation

    Throughout the debate, Trump spread misinformation to support his arguments and repeated already-debunked rhetoric on everything from the results of the 2020 election to his involvement in Project 2025 – a conservative-backed plan to change the U.S. government from within. The former president distanced himself from the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, saying he was only there to give a speech and accusing then-House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi of failing to increase security. He also falsely claimed that the crime rate in the U.S. has increased, when in reality it has decreased.

  2. 2. … and was regularly checked for facts by the moderators

    ABC presenters David Muir and Linsey Davis were largely praised for their compelling performance. They effectively steered the discussion back to the questions they had raised on key issues such as the economy, immigration, abortion rights, and the peaceful transfer of power, and made important fact-checking clarifications when appropriate.

    Muir and Davis are veteran journalists who have spent decades together helping the American public navigate the offices of the president. The criticism of their performance stands in contrast to the CNN debate in June, when moderators frequently missed opportunities to test Trump and Joe Biden for veracity.

  3. 3. Harris vigorously defended the Democrats’ position on reproductive rights

    When asked about his changing views on access to abortion care, Trump made some alarming – and easily refuted – claims that Democrats supported executing babies after birth. He also took credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, a Supreme Court decision after appointing three members to form a conservative majority that was unpopular with the majority of Americans. Trump clarified his position, however, that he believes in exceptions for rape, incest and threats to the mother’s life.

    Harris called his stance an “insult to the women of America” ​​and countered his statements that he had kept his promise to bring the issue back to the States by saying, “The American people voted for freedom.” She emphasized the difficult realities faced by women in states with abortion bans and expectant mothers who struggle to access IVF treatments.

  4. 4. Both candidates praised their work to improve the economy

    Harris immediately touted her “opportunity economics,” a plan that includes tax breaks for small business owners, relief for young parents and first-time home buyers, and a crackdown on corporate price gouging. “I’m the only person on this stage who cares about strengthening the middle class,” Harris said, pointing out that she grew up in a middle-class household.

    Trump, meanwhile, claimed he had overseen the “best economy” despite the downturn caused by the Covid pandemic and accused his opponent of raising costs for American families. “People can’t go out and buy cereal or bacon or anything else,” he said.

    Inflation has risen sharply under the Biden-Harris administration, but has fallen just as quickly. In August, the US inflation rate was 2.9 percent, below the average of almost 3.3 percent.

    Trump also made clear his stance on tariffs, which he plans to prioritize if he returns to the White House.

  5. 5. Trump made lewd and sometimes racist claims about immigrants

    Throughout the debate, Trump repeatedly returned to the topic of immigration, making salacious claims that criminals are welcome in the country and that immigrants’ pets are eaten in cities.

    While debate moderators attempted to defuse the allegations by questioning Trump’s legitimacy and the way he would carry out the promised deportation of millions of people, Harris went on the offensive, stressing that she was “the only person on the stage who is prosecuting transnational organizations” and also accusing her opponent of calling on Republicans to oppose legislation to strengthen the border.

    “He preferred to approach a problem rather than solve it,” she said.

  6. 6. The candidates argued about Ukraine and how they would deal with the war

    Harris said that if Trump were in office now, Russian President Vladimir Putin would have taken over Kiev, saying Putin would “eat you for lunch.”

    “I think the reason Donald Trump says this war would be over within 24 hours is because he would just give up on it,” Harris also said.

    When Muir asked how he wanted to end the war – and in particular whether he wanted a Ukrainian victory – Trump did not give a clear answer.

    “I want the war to stop. I want to save lives that are wasted. Millions of people are being killed,” he said. Asked again if it was in the U.S. best interest for Ukraine to win, he stuck to his guns. “I think it’s in the U.S. best interest to end this war, and just do it, OK, and make a deal, because we need to stop all these lives from being destroyed.”

  7. 7. Harris provokes Trump by attacking him where it hurts

    While moderators pressed Harris to respond to the criticism she and Biden have faced over their border policies, the vice president skillfully derailed her opponent’s rhetoric on perhaps his favorite issue by mocking his appearances at rallies.

    She urged voters to watch the speeches for themselves, saying you could see attendees leaving the events out of exhaustion and boredom. She called the events a platform for Trump’s grievances rather than plans that put the American people first.

    The jab landed well. An insulted and nervous Trump took the opportunity to defend the attendance of his rallies by claiming that Harris was paying attendees at her own campaign events, then moved on to insults that missed the mark. He accused Harris of trying to turn the country into “Venezuela on steroids” and called the US a “failing nation” before repeating false claims that immigrants were eating people’s pets.

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