
Due to threats, no spectators are allowed at the Bishop England-Philip Simmons soccer match on Friday

Due to threats, no spectators are allowed at the Bishop England-Philip Simmons soccer match on Friday

Bishop England and Philip Simmons will play their rival football game on Friday without fans in the stands, Bishop England Principal Mary Anne Tucker announced in a statement on the school’s athletic website.

The decision to play the game behind closed doors was due to concerns about social media posts across the state and country that “contained threats of violence,” school officials said. In addition, Bishop England cited the “current climate” between the two schools’ fan bases as a reason for playing the game behind closed doors.

“Safety is always our top priority and is the driving force behind this decision,” Tucker said in a statement. “As a Catholic school, we are committed to creating an environment that is not only safe for our community, but also characterized by gospel values ​​of faith, hope and charity. While we are disappointed that these changes are necessary, we hope to move forward by following the example of Jesus, the Master Teacher.”

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The school administration offered a free streaming option for anyone who wanted to watch the game virtually.

The games of the junior and B teams scheduled for Thursday have been cancelled.

Philip Simmons’ school administration disagreed with Bishop England’s decision not to allow fans in the stands on Friday and to cancel the junior and B team matches, but the school said it had to “respect” Bishop England’s changes as the host team.

“The only decision we can control is whether we show up for the game on Friday night and that is exactly what we intend to do. Bishop England have stated that they will provide fans with a free streaming option to watch the game, which will be released later,” Philip Simmons said in a statement.

“It is important to recognize that while we disagree with these decisions, we can use this moment as a teachable moment. The impact of negative content on social media has real consequences,” the statement continued. “In this situation, the young men of both sub-varsity teams who have worked tirelessly to prepare for this rivalry game will lose an opportunity due to the inappropriate behavior of others on social media. Likewise, our passionate fans of both sides will miss out on the opportunity to witness a great game.”

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