
Jubilee representation and political aggression of a child: complaint against Patricia Bullrich for abuse by the author | Repudio al opertivo de la ministra de securidad

Jubilee representation and political aggression of a child: complaint against Patricia Bullrich for abuse by the author | Repudio al opertivo de la ministra de securidad

The national scandal against the violent representative of the Federal Police during the rally of the Jubilees in the media of Congress against the presidential veto that was made in the country of the governor of Javier Milei. Este viernes, Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, She was reported for abuse of authority and public administration duty.

The case of the child led her to arrive in the middle of the protest against a police that caused a social repudio that week. But the escalation of violence in the function continues until recently and I have condemned the mother of “irresponsibility” for going to a demonstration with my wife. Officials filter a video to entrust it to society and ensure the safety of the agents. Without limitation, as usual, Bullrich denied responsibility and intended to prevent the scandal.

One of my biggest concerns about Patricia Bullrich’s police was when she gassed her eyes during a rally. (Image: AFP)

In this Marco, Official Gregorio Dalbón filed a complaint to initiate investigations into the ministerAuthor of the “Anti-Piquete” protocol, since December. The error was assigned and assigned to the Juzgado Criminal y Correctional Federal N°9, which sent him to prison Luis Rodriguez.

In the indictment, the Ministry is responsible for the support of a Federal Protection Officer, who is now taking care of a video that has been circulating on social media Official version of the country, which suggests that the child’s aggressors manifested themselves at a time Según el letrado, This is a case institutional violence”, It is a violation of human sins and the agreement on the sins of the child.

Dalbón pidió was summoned to ratify and reinforce the denuncia that was presented to him Article 248 of the Criminal Code, That was a few years ago prison and inhabilitation, especially because of the double time to expel public charges For them: “Dictate resolutions of your opponents upon the constitutions, national or provincial, or enact the laws or resolutions of this clause, or fail to enact the laws, if you commission the incumbiere to do so.”

From a posterior perspective, It was also indicted by the Federal Tribunals of the Retiro for the conviction by the function of the Minister of Security Alejandra Monteoliva, There is a breach of public duty.

The denuncia was presented by the Provincial Commission in the Memoria junto Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Dora Barrancos j Roberto Garcia, y quedo a Cargo de la Jueza Federal María Servini.

Dalbón then announced that he was the lawyer of the person concerned: “Fabrizia is an attorney. We will represent the justice system before her wife because of the institutional violence by her ambassadors“, informed.

Gragorio Dalbón and Fabrizia. Image: redes sociales.

The Red Federal of Derechos Humanos strengthened the complaint against Bullrich

In the mismo order, the exsecretario de Derechos Humanos, Horacio Petriagalla-ContiInformó este Viernes mediante sus redes que la Red Federal de Derechos Humanos Expansion The complaint against Minister Patricia Bullrich“Originally, the organism was present “as a representation at the Jubilee March” on September 4th.

“In this new text, Denunciamos los newos hechos sucedidos el 11/9about all depictions of violence that –además de jubilados y jubiladas– Now children are also on the move with Gaspimienta“, Petriagalla overwhelmed.

The Red Federal of Human Rights strengthened the complaint against Patricia Bullrich. (Image: Redes sociales)

Asimismo, el titular del organismo de derechos humanos destacó que se “We have pointed out that the Federal Princes have no jurisdiction to act within the framework of the traffic regulations of the City of Buenos Aireslo cual es competcia del Gobierno de la Ciudad”.

“A new denuncia complains that it is included in its original presentation I have asked for bail to ensure that the relevant federal authorities are not held accountable and exonerated in the streets of the city“, insist that the former official insists so long that she knows that she”Esa medida cautelar no fue atendida por (the Juez Marcelo) Martínez de Giorgi and Finance Minister Guillermo Marijuan“.

“I said to myself that the new people from 9/11 were not able to cope with the days of our jubilees and children,” she sent and concluded in her message: “Therefore I insist that a criminal investigation was opened against Bullrich for abuse of authorities and illegal crimes and that I had to order the abstinence of actuaries to order the calls of the City of Buenos Aires, from their competence“.

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