
Iran supplies Fath-360 ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine conflict

Iran supplies Fath-360 ballistic missiles to Russia for use in Ukraine conflict

Several intelligence sources have reported that Russian personnel have traveled to Iran to participate in the Father 360 ballistic missile system. This information, which was Reuters on August 9, 2024, suggests that Russia may be preparing to include Iranian-made ballistic missiles in its military arsenal. On August 10, 2024, Iran’s UN representative refuted the August 9, 2024, Reuters report claiming that Iran plans to supply hundreds of missiles to Russia for its war in Ukraine.
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The Fath 360 is an Iranian mobile surface-to-surface ballistic missile known for its precision, supersonic speed and a range of 120-150 km. (Image source: TASNIM News Agency)

The Father 360 is a mobile missile defense system capable of firing ballistic missiles with a maximum range of 120 kilometers and a 150-kilogram warhead. Designed for precision strikes, the Fath-360 is known for its ability to hit targets at closer ranges with high accuracy, making it particularly useful for Russia, which already has an extensive range of long-range ballistic missiles.

A ballistic missile is a type of missile that is powered by a rocket engine during the initial phase of its flight and then follows a predetermined, curved trajectory, largely influenced by gravity, en route to its target. These missiles can be launched from various platforms, including land-based silos, mobile launch vehicles, submarines, or aircraft. Ballistic missiles can deliver conventional or nuclear warheads over short, medium, or long distances, ranging from a few hundred kilometers to intercontinental ranges of over 10,000 kilometers. Their high speed and ability to deliver powerful warheads make them an important part of modern military arsenals and a central element of global strategic deterrence.

According to military experts, the acquisition of the Fath 360 ballistic missile system could enable Russia to diversify its missile deployment strategies. By using the Iranian system for shorter-range targets, Russia could conserve its own stockpile of ballistic missiles for attacks on more distant targets, potentially extending its operational reach in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

According to an intelligence source, the training of Russian personnel on the Fath-360 system is a clear indication that actual missile deliveries could be imminent. This move underscores the strategic importance of the missile system for Russia, especially as the country seeks to maintain its military momentum in Ukraine.

Since the war in Ukraine began in February 2022, the relationship between Iran and Russia has evolved into a robust strategic alliance with significant implications for regional and global geopolitics. This deepening partnership is driven by a convergence of shared interests, particularly in countering Western influence, evading international sanctions, and strengthening military capabilities.

One of the most visible aspects of this cooperation has been military. Shortly after the conflict began, reports indicated that Iran had begun supplying Russia with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), particularly Shahed-136 drones. Known for their cost-effectiveness and operational flexibility, these drones have been used extensively by Russian forces in Ukraine. They serve a dual purpose: reconnaissance and as homing munitions that can hover over a battlefield before engaging targets. The Shahed-136s have enabled Russia to maintain pressure on Ukrainian forces while obtaining more modern and expensive weapons.

The recent revelations about Russia’s interest in acquiring the Iranian Father-360 missile system further underscores the developing military relationship between the two countries. Designed to deliver precision strikes at a range of 120 kilometers, the Fath-360 could significantly strengthen Russia’s tactical options in Ukraine. Russian personnel have already begun training in Iran to operate this system, suggesting that Moscow is preparing to integrate these missiles into its military operations. Acquiring the Fath-360 would allow Russia to use its more advanced missiles for distant targets and utilize the Iranian missiles for closer engagements, increasing its operational flexibility and sustainability in the conflict.

Economic cooperation between Iran and Russia has also intensified as both countries face severe international sanctions – Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and Iran for its nuclear program and regional activities. These sanctions have forced Tehran and Moscow to explore alternative trade mechanisms, particularly by de-dollarizing their bilateral trade. In 2022, the two countries agreed to conduct trade in their respective national currencies, the ruble and the rial, to bypass the US dollar-dominated global financial system and reduce the impact of Western economic pressure.

This growing economic and military partnership reflects a broader strategic alignment between Iran and Russia, driven by a shared desire to challenge Western hegemony and assert their influence on the world stage. The cooperation not only strengthens their respective positions but also presents new challenges to the international community, particularly in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine. As this alliance evolves, its impact is likely to extend well beyond the immediate conflict and shape the geopolitical landscape for years to come.

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