
Volunteers clear away trash and debris along Tucson Boulevard.

Volunteers clear away trash and debris along Tucson Boulevard.

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) – A group of about 50 volunteers gathered at the World Mission Society Church of God in Midtown Tucson Sunday morning for a cleanup effort aimed at improving the local environment and fostering a sense of community.

The event, which was part of the church’s 60th anniversary celebrations, focused on clearing trash and debris from Tucson Boulevard.

Armed with donated materials from local businesses like Home Depot, Starbucks and Eegees, volunteers spent the day picking up trash while spreading a message of helpfulness and caring for their environment.

Amanda Tello, the church’s event coordinator, explained the mission behind the cleanup.

“We believe that by helping our environment and serving our community, we can show everyone a mother’s love,” Tello said. “Just as a mother cares for her family, we want to care for our community with that same attitude.”

Cleanup at Home Depot

Amanda Tello

Home Depot was among the companies that contributed materials to the event

The South Korean-based World Mission Society Church of God has integrated this cleanup into its faith and organizes similar events around the world.

To date, the church has hosted over 8,500 street cleanups, some of which have taken place in Tucson.

The event attracted a diverse group of volunteers, including local resident Jamila Quashie, who moved to Tucson from Phoenix six years ago. She spoke about Tucson’s close-knit culture and how it motivates her to get involved.

“Because of Tucson’s small, family-like culture, it’s easier to reach out to neighbors and the community,” Quashie said. “I really hope that by making a positive impact here, more people will also feel proud of their community.”

In the future, the World Mission Society Church of God plans to conduct quarterly cleanups in different parts of Tucson to have a lasting impact on the city’s environment and safety. Community members, regardless of religious affiliation, are encouraged to participate.

Joel Foster is a multimedia journalist at KGUN 9 and previously worked as an English teacher in Boston and Tucson. Joel has experience in web, print and video in technology, finance, nonprofits and public administration. In his free time, Joel can often be found in the local Tucson comedy scene. Share your story ideas with Joel at [email protected]or by connecting via on facebook., Instagram or X.

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