
Driver damages house and cars after ramming into Phoenix yard

Driver damages house and cars after ramming into Phoenix yard

PHOENIX, AZ – Phoenix police are investigating a crash in south Phoenix that damaged a woman’s home, fence and cars.

While Sylvia Fuentes was sleeping in her home near 16th Street and Broadway on Saturday night, a car sped into her yard, knocked down her fence, hit two cars and damaged the side of her house.

The accident was captured on camera.

“I heard the loud bang, but I didn’t think anything of it. I didn’t know what it was. I was half asleep,” said Fuentes.

She went back to bed, but when she got up a short while later, she saw the extent of the destruction outside.

“I came back out and said, ‘Oh, wait, something’s wrong here,'” Fuentes said.

Phoenix police arrived at around 12:30 a.m. Sunday morning. By that time, investigators said, the driver had already driven away.

“Nobody rang my doorbell, nobody knocked on my door,” Fuentes said.

While she waits to see what the insurance will cover, Fuentes is particularly affected by the accident as she is also struggling with serious health problems.

“It’s a devastating nightmare when you’re already dealing with life, health issues and everything else, you know? Then you have to deal with it. There are no words,” Fuentes said.

She shared her message with ABC15 to the driver and anyone else who may have been involved.

“Please come back. Take responsibility for what you did. Be a man, a woman, whoever you are,” Fuentes said.

A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help Fuentes.

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