
Maryland ranks 26th in the 2024 Most Livable States report

Maryland ranks 26th in the 2024 Most Livable States report


Published on August 12, 2024 at 8:40 am

With millions of Americans moving every year and summer being the most popular time of year for moves, private finance website WalletHub today released its report on the most livable states of 2024, ranking Maryland at number 26.

Maryland moved up one spot from last year and currently sits between Georgia (25) and Indiana (27). WalletHub compared the 50 states based on 51 key quality of life indicators, ranging from housing costs and income growth to education rates and hospital systems.

Maryland’s highest ranking in each category was in the Education and Health category, where it ranked 16th. The state’s lowest ranking was in the Affordability category, where Maryland ranked 38th. The “20 Best States to Live In” can be found below.

The 20 most livable states in the USA
1. Massachusetts 11. Virginia
2. Florida 12. Iowa
3. New Jersey 13. Minnesota
4. Utah 14. Maine
5. New Hampshire 15. Montana
6. Idaho 16. Illinois
7. Pennsylvania 17. North Dakota
8. Wisconsin 18.South Dakota
9. New York 19. Vermont
10. Wyoming 20. Kansas

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