
Clinton Twp. officials ready to unveil upgraded Prince Drewry Park – Macomb Daily

Clinton Twp. officials ready to unveil upgraded Prince Drewry Park – Macomb Daily

The grass is still growing on the new soccer and football fields at Prince Drewry Park, but Clinton Township will hold a grand opening ceremony for the new trail, followed by a family fun day on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.

“There was nothing there before,” said Scott Kleinfeld, deputy director of public services and one of the officials looking forward to Wednesday’s event. “Now there is a walkway and a sidewalk that everyone can use.”

The park between Quinn and Kentucky Roads did have a baseball diamond, but it was in poor condition, with low areas that often filled with water after heavy rain. So the township had the diamond removed, filled in the holes and graded the ground to make way for a new soccer and football field.

“The grass is still a little sparse, but we expect it to be green and lush next spring,” Kleinfeld said.

Also added to the park, but already in use, is a path from the nearby school and a walkway that circles the park. Now, visitors can walk, jog, or push a stroller on a path that connects the park’s fields and playground. This path will also be improved in the coming year.

“Two playgrounds are being renovated and Prince Drewry Park is one of them,” said Kleinfeld, who encourages families to come to Family Fun Day with the fairground vendor Market in the Park on Wednesday. “There will be face painting, a bouncy castle and more.”

Funding for the park improvements was provided by Clinton Township Parks and Recreation.

The grand opening of the new trail in Prince Drewry Park and the Family Fun Day with Market in the Park will take place from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Kleinfeld invites everyone to come along, see the changes and enjoy the celebration.

Prince Drewry Park is located at 21845 Quinn Rd., Clinton Township.

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