
SURVEY! Where is the best place to buy wood in Humboldt? | POLLZ | Lost Coast Outpost

SURVEY! Where is the best place to buy wood in Humboldt? | POLLZ | Lost Coast Outpost

Today @ 16:20 / Pollz

SURVEY! Where is the best place to buy wood in Humboldt?

Help this cash-strapped Humboldt carpenter beaver decide where to get the wood for his dam.

Everything costs sooooo much, but let’s face it, the chances of you getting a raise anytime soon are zero. The state of the world is going downhill. Still, you need to replace your porch posts before the wet Humboldt winter comes. Hmm! Where behind the redwood curtain do you have the best chance of finding a good selection of lumber at prices that won’t drive you to suicide just because you came of age during a time when America is going through a steep financial and moral decline? Help us find reason for hope, LoCO Pollz voters! This is very important!

As always when we run these runs each week, if we missed a company that has no chance of winning but that you are somehow connected to, just leave us a comment and we will confirm its existence. We will let this thing run until next Monday because that’s just how we do it.

19 votes cast.

Survey ends: Monday, August 19, 4:20 p.m.


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