
West Seattle Blog… | BIZNOTE: Azuma Sushi owners retire, but restaurant stays open

West Seattle Blog… | BIZNOTE: Azuma Sushi owners retire, but restaurant stays open

West Seattle Blog… | BIZNOTE: Azuma Sushi owners retire, but restaurant stays open(WSB archive photo)

Eight years ago we reported on Sushi in The Junction closes on Sundays after being open every day for 16 years. Now, owner Harry And Jennifer are getting an extended break – they’re retiring after running their restaurant for nearly a quarter century! But Azuma Sushi will stay open and even offer seating again. Here’s the announcement that was sent to us:

Azuma Sushi changes ownership

In some ways, it feels like we opened our doors just yesterday. But January 18, 2000 was over 24.5 years ago! From that first day, West Seattle has welcomed us with open arms, and we are so grateful to our customers, old and new, for helping us build a successful business and achieve the American Dream. You have been with us through so many ups and downs over the years, and we couldn’t have done it without your support. This is especially true during the recent pandemic, which has tested us all. It has been such a joy to get to know you, watch your children grow, and become friends with you. Our family, including our children (who you may remember helping out with from time to time), has so many fond memories of the time we all spent together.

That’s why it’s bittersweet to announce that we are retiring and Azuma Sushi will be transitioning to new ownership. August 30th will be our last day. After that, Azuma will be closed for about a month until reopening on September 28th. Don’t worry, we’re keeping the Azuma family and will be there in the fall (with reduced hours!) to help with the transition to new ownership. We’re excited to see where we go Jenny (a former waitress many of you probably remember) will be taking over things and know that you will be happy to be able to eat at Azuma again. We hope you embrace the new Azuma and that it can remain a part of the West Seattle community for many years to come.

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. It was a pleasure serving you and we will miss you all.

– Harry and Jennifer

Azuma Sushi is located at 4533 California SW.

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