
Bainbridge neighbors help people in food deserts while a new Publix is ​​built

Bainbridge neighbors help people in food deserts while a new Publix is ​​built

  • The official groundbreaking for the Bainbridge Publix project took place on Wednesday.
  • The development of the project will take one year.
  • Watch the story to learn how neighbors in food desert areas are helping vulnerable people as they wait for more fresh food to arrive in the city.


People living in areas considered food deserts said access to fresh food is a problem for their vulnerable neighbors there.

WTXL reporter AJ Douglas explained to his neighbors how they can get qualified food now while they wait for more food to go on sale.

“Access to fruits and vegetables and just daily needs,” said Sherry Anderson.

Anderson has lived in the northeast of the city for 20 years.

The area is considered a food desert by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Anderson said she is fortunate to have reliable transportation, but worries about her neighbors who do not.

“The problem with food supply is transportation. If you don’t have transportation, how are you going to lug 20 pounds of food home,” Anderson said.

The official groundbreaking for the Bainbridge Publix project took place on Wednesday.

District and city leaders welcome the project as it represents economic growth for the city and aims to bring jobs to the community.

Anderson welcomes the increasing number of healthy options in the city, but fears that access will continue to be inconvenient for neighbors.

“It will continue to be difficult for people in Bainbridge to get to these places,” Anderson said.

Several organizations are working to be part of the solution by running soup kitchens and food distribution centers throughout the week.

I have previously shared with my neighbors how Bainbridge Church of God provides a great service to its neighbors through volunteer drivers, expanding its reach.

“We’ve just reached the tip of the iceberg. The need in our community is so great,” said Wade Lane, a volunteer at the Bainbridge Church of God soup kitchen.

The soup kitchen delivers meals each week to shut-in residents and elderly neighbors across the city, including those living in food-insecure areas.

Anderson says she volunteers at the St. John’s Episcopal Church food bank and thinks they could use a few volunteer drivers.

“We have a lot of older people who walk,” Anderson said.

Construction of Publix is ​​expected to take one year.

If you are willing to volunteer, contact St. John’s Episcopal Church.

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