
Mitchell is perfect for District 4; Don’t use 9/11 footage

Mitchell is perfect for District 4; Don’t use 9/11 footage

The opinions expressed in letters to the editor are those of our readers and not of the Pensacola News Journal. To be considered for publication, letters to the editor must be 250 words or less and must include your name, full address and phone number. Only your name and city of residence will be published. Email your submissions to [email protected].

Buck Mitchell is a pillar of the community and perfect for District 4

The proper yardstick for any candidate for public office is their track record of volunteerism. What have they done for their community when no one was watching? Have they consistently invested their time and energy to improve their community? By that yardstick, Buck Mitchell is the best.

Buck Mitchell, a seventh-generation Pensacola native and dear friend for half a century, embodies the spirit and dedication our community deserves. As co-owner of the popular Seville Quarter and The District: Seville Steak & Seafood, Buck has demonstrated his commitment to our local economy and culture.

For over 35 years, Buck has been a pillar of our community, working tirelessly with numerous charitable, cultural and civic organizations. His leadership roles have included serving as president of the Pensacola Navy League, Fiesta Pensacola and the Great Gulf Coast Arts Festival. In addition, he is deeply involved with The ARC Gateway, Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Capstone Learning Academy Miller Classic Tennis Tournament.

Buck’s unwavering commitment earned him the Freedoms Foundation’s prestigious Liberty Bell Award in 2010, which recognized his exceptional service and generosity. He is a candidate who doesn’t just talk about community service; he lives it. His track record is a testament to his love for Pensacola and his willingness to lead Escambia County.

Buck Mitchell is the right choice for the position of Escambia County Commissioner in the 4th District.

John Ray, Pensacola

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The use of 9/11 footage in campaign ads is abhorrent

This is a plea to Aaron Dimmock, currently running for the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida’s 1st District. I implore him through this platform: Please stop airing your campaign ad depicting the devastating events of 9/11. Your use of the video clip of United Flight 175 crashing into the second tower is tasteless, disrespectful, and abhorrent. The co-pilot of that plane was Michael Horrocks, a former Marine pilot, VT-2 Whiting Field instructor, and our good friend. Watching this clip is like a knife in the stomach. The clip you authorized shows the murder of the 65 passengers and crew on board Flight 175. We know what happened to Michael. This clip makes us and his beloved family and his Marine/Navy family and the other families of that flight and the families of the other 2,977 people killed that day relive the horror. The use of this clip shows a lack of character. Your ambition is using this horrific event to make a false connection to real heroes in order to increase your visibility as a candidate and to highlight your military career. This is untenable. Please remove it out of respect for those who remember Michael and all the others who lost their lives that day and in the wars that followed.

Leslie Vilardi, Pensacola

Aaron Dimmock is a strong congressman

Aaron Dimmock is running for Congressman for Florida’s First District. He is well qualified: He is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, served in the Navy for 20 years, and now works as a personal trainer and consultant at the University of West Florida.

He has been married for 28 years, is the father of four children, and lives in Pensacola. His platform is based on preventing illegal drugs and criminal influence in America, strong leadership, and taking control of our economy. His skills as a mediator will serve him well as he works with Democrats and Republicans in Congress.

His campaign does not downplay or spread falsehoods, but instead identifies positive action and promotes collaboration. These qualities come from his work as a character development coach and former Marine officer. I encourage voters to check out his platform at I will be voting for Aaron Dimmock in the primary.

Louise Ritz, Pensacola

Loyalty to the constitution must always be more important than party loyalty

On July 4, 2024, our nation will celebrate its 248th birthday, a very significant anniversary because the average lifespan of a democracy is 250 years. Some believe the best is behind us, that we are nearing the end of this wonderful experiment that is the United States of America. I believe we are at a crossroads; the wrong decision could be disastrous.

If we are to continue to exist as a nation, we must recognize that we are all in this together and put aside at least some of our selfish views. Maybe just think in terms of “we” rather than “I,” and it is important that we have a free, honest and informative press.

With the First Amendment to the Constitution, our founder wanted to tell us that freedom of speech is our most important right. He recognized that a free and informative press is essential to educating the people so that we can govern ourselves wisely. After the events of the last few days, you are surely aware that our media is not being honest with us.

This bias should not surprise us, because our educational system promotes left-wing indoctrination rather than education. The result is that our media fails to live up to the trust it places in our nation or the public. They report what their masters tell them to.

Our elected representatives, senators, and our 2.87 million federal employees should remember that they have sworn allegiance to the Constitution of the United States, not to the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or their own selfish interests. They work for us, the citizens of the United States.

Jerry Henderson, Pensacola

Christian values ​​do not mean spreading hatred

I used to think that “Christian values” meant loving one another. Instead, Christian nationalist values ​​today include discrimination and hatred; intolerance toward anyone who has different ideas about health care, gender, political party, and race.

The hateful rhetoric is like a competition on a reality TV show and has evolved into a potentially horrifying reality for all of us: a terrifying way to live.

Who can stop the hate? Everyone! Find your moral conscience. Politicians, business people, church leaders and school principals can put an end to the hateful language, the fear of “others” and the threats. Everyone can shine a light against hate!

Vote for politicians who do not support hate and vile rhetoric against people. Support religious institutions that believe there is good in every person and that show love, kindness and respect. Stand up for truth and moral character. Practice respect, empathy and compassion for everyone, especially the most vulnerable.

Holly Picardi, Gulf Breeze

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Holzknecht is a proven leader and defender of the children

I highly recommend Rich Holzknecht for Escambia County School Board District 4. Rich is a graduate of the Naval Academy and a battle-tested leader for 28 years.

As a widowed single father of four outstanding fourth-grade graduates, he has been one of the most dedicated parent volunteers for the past 20 years. Coming from a large family of public school teachers, he understands the rewards, challenges, and immense impact that good teachers can have on a child’s life.

I have attended every school board meeting for the past two years (except one). Rich is the only District 4 candidate who regularly attends meetings, and he has spoken out countless times as a defender of our children and their innocence. The other District 4 candidates rarely if ever attend meetings.

Please vote for Rich in the August 20 primary. He will defend our children like he did for our country.

Neil McDonald, Cantonment

Double Bridge Run stands for the great things in life

I ran my first Bix 7 Road Race in Davenport, Iowa last year and I really enjoyed it, even the tough climb up Mount Brady. The atmosphere was electric and gave me the strength to conquer the hills. Getting exercise and taking time out to reset my life was the most important thing for me. To enjoy it, I needed to get it back into balance.

The Double Bridge Run in Pensacola is like the Bix, both are the best runs around. They both represent what makes life great and I met some of the greatest people at both places. But most importantly, I found myself.

Returning to your old life can be difficult when friends and places change. But one thing I do know is that the people in the Quad Cities are just as friendly and open as the people in “LA,” which you northerners call Alabama.

So if you’re running the Bix this year, look out for me. I’ll be the one high-fiving everyone watching with a huge grin on my face, even if I come in last. To me, I’m still a winner.

Charles Mathews, Davenport, Iowa

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