
FDA warns consumers against using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom

FDA warns consumers against using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about a popular brand of kratom, advising consumers that the product has been linked to a death and several other adverse health symptoms. Optimized Plant Mediated Solutions (OPMS) Black Liquid Kratom is available online and in brick-and-mortar stores and is often marketed as all-natural and effective. While kratom manufacturers tout the substance’s alleged health benefits, research has shown that kratom poses significant health risks. The FDA’s July 26 warning urges consumers to avoid using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom — but the product is still legal.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia. Farmers have consumed it for centuries, and the leaves can be chewed to provide energy. In recent years, its popularity has exploded in the United States, and the national kratom market is worth an estimated $1.5 billion. According to an FDA estimate, about 1.7 million people in the United States ages 12 and older have used kratom in 2021; research has shown that kratom use is increasing among teens. It is most commonly sold in tablet and capsule form. Kratom is often promoted as a natural alternative for people with opioid use disorder or alcoholism, as the effects are said to be similar to those of opioids. Kratom users often report increased alertness and mood after consuming the substance.

FDA warns consumers against using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom

FDA Kratom Warning

According to the FDA press releaseThe agency recently received news that someone had died after taking OPMS Black Liquid Kratom. In addition, the product has been linked to a number of adverse health effects, including “withdrawal symptoms, addiction, digestive problems, restless leg syndrome, skin problems, aggressive behavior, increased anxiety, lack of energy, and difficulty concentrating.” Although kratom is legal in many states, the FDA advises consumers to stay away from it because it can cause seizures, liver damage, and substance abuse. The FDA has also banned the marketing of kratom as a dietary supplement, meaning it cannot be added to foods. The warning is not the first time the FDA has expressed concern about the link. Last July, the FDA issued an import alert for kratom, allowing the agency to seize imported kratom products. The FDA has also warned against treating medical conditions with kratom, although kratom is often marketed as a treatment for depression, anxiety, and other disorders.

Is Kratom safe?

For consumers, the FDA’s warning may be surprising, as kratom is often marketed as a safe alternative to opioids and alcohol. What the general public may not realize is that kratom is not subject to much regulatory oversight. In 2016, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announced plans to criminalize kratom possession and treat the substance as a Schedule I drug, similar to heroin, cannabis, and ecstasy. However, elected officials and advocacy groups protested the move, and the DEA decided against criminalizing kratom. Instead, the agency has classified kratom as a “drug and chemical of concern.”

Because kratom is not an FDA-approved substance, the products are not monitored like dietary supplements. That means there is no guarantee that kratom is unadulterated or contains the amount of the compound listed on the label. Because of this, many states and municipalities have implemented age restrictions on purchasing kratom or have banned the substance altogether. However, in most parts of the United States, anyone can buy kratom from a supermarket, tobacco shop, or online store with no questions asked.

An investigation of the Tampa Bay Times found that hundreds of people in Florida have died from kratom use. The newspaper found that many kratom products are sold without dosage instructions, leaving consumers to decide how much of the substance they should take, increasing the risk of overdose. In addition, the vast majority of those who died had other substances in their bloodstream that could be dangerous when combined with kratom. However, kratom companies are not required to disclose potentially dangerous drug interactions when marketing their products. The average consumer may not know that they could be at an increased risk of overdose by taking kratom in combination with other drugs. Unfortunately, due to the lack of oversight, it is likely that overdose deaths will continue to occur.

Kratom Lawsuits

People who have experienced side effects from Kratom and those who have lost loved ones have begun Kratom Lawsuits against manufacturers because the companies allegedly failed to warn consumers about the dangers of kratom products. Manufacturers have a responsibility to inform the public about the potential risks of a product. Instead, many kratom companies promote their products as safe without mentioning the potential side effects. Kratom lawsuits have already earned plaintiffs millions of dollars, and that number is expected to grow as more consumers file lawsuits.

If you have experienced side effects after using OPMS Black Liquid Kratom or have lost a loved one to the substance or another kratom product, you may have legal options available to you. You should consult an attorney who specializes in kratom cases to determine the most appropriate path. If you file a lawsuit, you may be entitled to damages to cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. If you have lost a loved one to kratom, you can file a wrongful death lawsuit to recover costs and compensate you for your loss. Last year, a judge receives 11 million US dollars to the family of a woman who died from kratom. Contact an attorney today to discuss your best course of action.

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