
Gunther on Timothy Thatcher, Hulk Hogan’s beer available at Walmart (Video)

Gunther on Timothy Thatcher, Hulk Hogan’s beer available at Walmart (Video)

Gunther on Timothy Thatcher, Hulk Hogan’s beer available at Walmart (Video)

– WWE World Heavyweight Champion GUNTHER tells Sports Illustrated that Timothy Thatcher would succeed on a bigger stage if he “turned away” from his “core values,” but also respects him for sticking to them:

“I think Tim would be on a bigger stage right now if he would step away from some of his core values ​​and accept professional wrestling on the big stage for what it is.

“As much as I enjoyed this tough, no-frills, catch-as-catch-can-shooter style of wrestling, the reality is that it’s not going to grab the attention of very many people in 2024. At the end of the day, what we do is a business.

“But I respect that he does what makes him happy. You can have all the money in the world, but if you’re not happy, it’s pretty useless.”

– Hulkster beer is sold out at Walmart…

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