
Reviews of Boise restaurants that will make you laugh out loud

Reviews of Boise restaurants that will make you laugh out loud

Boise residents recently started a Reddit thread titled “Bad Restaurants” where they didn’t shy away from sharing their less-than-stellar dining experiences. Started by user RichAppointment6981, the thread asked locals to rant about the worst restaurants in the area, focusing specifically on factors like cleanliness, price, service, and quality of food.

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Responses poured in, painting a vivid picture of some truly disappointing meals. One user reported a particularly disastrous dinner where service was so slow he thought he might have to order takeout. Another recounted an expensive meal that left both his wallet and stomach empty. Cleanliness was another hot topic, with some diners reporting less-than-neatly set tables and questionable kitchen practices.

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Despite the negative experiences, the thread showed the community’s passion for food and their desire for better standards. It’s clear that Boise residents are passionate about their food scene and aren’t afraid to speak their mind when something goes wrong. The candor of the comments allowed for a raw and unfiltered look at the Treasure Valley restaurant landscape.

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Curious about which places in Boise have been criticized? Dive into the thread yourself and learn it all straight from the source. It’s a fascinating read, and who knows – you might even find a place to avoid on your next night out. Happy scrolling!

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Can you guess which restaurants they are?

Gallery Credit: Kyle Matthews

Businesses lost in the Boise area in 2024

Every year we make a list of businesses that have closed in the Treasure Valley. This is the list for 2024. Did we miss one? Send us your tips HERE.

Gallery credit: Michelle Heart

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