
Rediscover your homeland: The County Fair

Rediscover your homeland: The County Fair

Nothing has changed more during my absence than the Mineral County Fair.

When I was growing up in Superior, the fair didn’t have much more than a few animals, photos, and baked goods (delicious as they were). The 4-H building (now the Fair Building) was more familiar to us as a dance hall. A band rented it and the fun began.

How the fair has grown, led by the Lions Club’s Go for the Gold Rodeo. Saturday night, people parked all the way up Fourth Street to the corner of Clark Conrow. My class celebrated its 50th reunion during the fair, so I didn’t get to see as much as I wanted. For many former residents, the fair is a homecoming of sorts.

Visiting to hear music on Saturday night, the grounds were lively and the dance floor was filled with people of all ages. Thursday was family night at the fair, but it felt like Saturday night too. “Saturday night was one of the biggest we’ve ever had,” said Mary Jo Berry, secretary of the fair board.

“The kids sleep under the tree while mom and dad dance outside,” Berry said. “It’s a safe fair, a fair for the whole family.”

The rodeo and fair also draw people from outside the county. Berry noticed a family from Florida stopping by. “We saw them here all weekend. They were absolutely thrilled.”

Critics say too much money is spent on bands, but she said, “Without a decent band, you don’t get an audience.” She paid about $3,000 per band, which isn’t much considering the money is split among band members and the bands have to travel here, set up, play, tear down and drive home again. “The bands I work with love coming to Mineral County. They call us (and say), ‘I know your fair is coming up soon.'”

The fair is funded by the county and sponsorships. The budget for the fair was $47,100, which covers basic expenses such as garbage, utilities and maintenance workers’ salaries.

The sponsors who pay for the extras get a banner and two tickets to the rodeo. “They were worth their weight in gold this year. The rodeo sold out very quickly this year.”

Aside from money, the fair’s biggest need is volunteers. The fair’s only paid employee is maintenance technician Ken Quick, who Berry says realistically makes about a dollar and a half an hour for the work required.

While most activities at the fair saw higher participation, fewer nonprofits were represented at the booths this year. Most of the booths are run by seniors, Berry noted, and those volunteers are often overworked at this time.

“Young people need to get involved,” said Berry, if the fair is to continue to grow.

Around 80 volunteers helped during the fair, but most of the preparatory work was done by the members of the fair board.

Several events saw record-breaking or near-record turnouts. The parade was “one of the largest ever,” with 44 participants. Berry thanked Ginny Tubbs for promoting the parade to area organizations. The Living Waters Worship Center will be handing out tickets during the parade. Afterward, families will gather on the festival grounds as church members draw the winners. Berry said it’s heartwarming to “watch the little kids go up there” to collect their awards. “The festival board appreciates (the event). It draws a crowd,” Berry said.

A total of 153 participants were registered for the open class and there were 53 flower shows. Emily Park and the Montana State University Extension Office do a great job organizing the shows.

The fair also featured a talent show, adult and youth art exhibits, and, for the first time, an alumni night (which you’ll see again next year). “The quilt show draws a lot of people. There were a lot of beautiful quilts,” Berry said.

Looking from a distance, it is clear that the fair is crowded, and without the cooperation of the school district, it would be even worse.

Parking is a problem that has no good solution. Neighbors describe at times a “Wild West show” with alleys blocked, horses breaking free, and vehicles escaping traps across lawns. However, neighbors generally understand the significance of the event and take it in stride.

A proposal to move the fair to the old sports club on Mullan Road was rejected because it would take the fair outside the community and there were concerns about visitors driving along Mullan Road. Berry noted that local businesses benefit financially from the fair and more space could reduce the cosy feeling that people get when visiting the fair.

Carol Johnson, who served as board chair for many years, led largely unsuccessful efforts over the years to make major improvements to the fairgrounds. Last year, a proposal was made to commissioners to replace the Quonset hut with a wooden building. Preliminary architectural and construction estimates put the cost at about $300,000. The building would have had handicap-accessible bathrooms and a commercial kitchen, as well as attached booths. Commissioners apparently saw a higher priority for the money.

“We put lipstick on a pig – we do that every year,” Berry said.

Having helped improve the Senior Center booth this year, I can relate to what you are saying. Volunteers have worked many hours to improve the booth, which is worthy of the title of “Senior Center Booth.”

More than one person has told me that Superior and Mineral County are coming back to life after years of doldrums caused by the mill’s closure. Investments are now being made in the community, both financial and human, and such investments are essential if pride is to be fully restored.

Berry said she was “pleased with pretty much everything that happened this year and looks forward to making it even bigger and better next year.” She and the fair board need the community’s help to do that.

The Fair Board meeting on Aug. 27 at 5 p.m. at the Fairgrounds will provide an opportunity for complaints, suggestions and input. Rumor has it that some feel the fair needs to be even more family-friendly and that the beer garden and live music in the evenings are counter to that goal. Berry said the Fair Board has a responsibility to provide what the entire community wants, so it’s important that the board hears a wide range of voices.

PS: Phew! All good things come in threes. It’s Meierle.

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