
The understandable reaction of a delivery driver when he discovered the “shop dog” – InspireMore

The understandable reaction of a delivery driver when he discovered the “shop dog” – InspireMore

This delivery man has a four-legged best friend – and he wasn’t expecting to meet him today! Check out this awesome video of a delivery driver meeting a cute dog named Brownie.

When the delivery driver looked up and saw Brownie, a wine store’s “Employee of the Month,” his joy couldn’t have been greater.

First he jumped up and down and then he started dancing. And yes, I’m talking about the delivery driver – not the dog!

After some jumping around, the driver finally came in. Brownie gave him a big hug, returning the driver’s enthusiasm!

One commentator even summed it up perfectly: “They both wagged their tails!”

Delivery driver and dog open door
This picture is from TikTok.

The two showed their affection with hugs, kisses and caresses. That’s why Brownie is the best shop greeter in his wine shop!

His TikTok handle says it best: Brownie IS a good boy!

People in the comments were obsessed with this delivery driver/dog duo. Some commented on how cute it was that the driver knew Brownie’s name – of course he did! That’s his little best friend!

Delivery driver and dog
This picture is from TikTok.

“Two happy boys just excited to share the joy of the day,” said one viewer of this absolutely adorable clip.

“People who get SO upset about pets have the best hearts!!,” said another. I couldn’t agree more!

If you stop and pay attention to the things around you, you’ll notice that there are a lot more good (and kind!) things happening every day. This delivery driver didn’t have to make Brownie his best friend, but he did – and now he and Brownie are better off.

Look for opportunities to give a little more love today.

I promise it will make your day happier!

The featured image for this post is from TikTok.

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