
LaMoure County 4-H team takes second place in 4-H event – Jamestown Sun

LaMoure County 4-H team takes second place in 4-H event – Jamestown Sun

The LaMoure County team took second place in the senior division of the 2024 North Dakota 4-H Consumer Choice Contest.

The team members were Addie Robbins, Alex Lahlum, Leo Lahlum and James Ketterling.

The winner of the event was Cass County, which will represent North Dakota 4-H in the national Consumer Choice Contest in 2025.

The Burleigh/Morton County Junior Team took first place in the junior division.

These teams were among 104 youth who competed during the North Dakota State Fair in Minot, with 66 competing in the junior division and 38 in the senior division.

The competition is designed to teach teens to make better purchasing decisions. This year, teens judged pizza, thermal clothing and water bottles and gave oral reasons for why they placed the items in a certain order in some classes.

In addition to class assessment, the junior and senior teams participated in a group thinking component. Each team was given the same scenario and had 10 minutes to collectively assess the situation and make a final decision based on the standards provided. Teams were assessed on how well they worked together and presented their solution.

Ten teams competed in the senior class and 17 in the junior class.

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