
Best Bookstore 2024 | Roundabout Books | Shopping

Best Bookstore 2024 | Roundabout Books | Shopping

click to enlarge Best Bookstore

Jennifer Galler

Roundabout employees: from left: Christine Bell, Joey Roddy, Cassie Clemans, Jenna Brady, Sara Rishforth, Julie Swearingen and Kathy Johnson. Not pictured are Jenny Cornutt and Shay Carey.

TTo be a truly remarkable bookstore, you have to find an alchemical balance that is hard to explain to someone who has even a passing interest in literature. Bookstores have outlived most CD stores, video stores, and video game stores, remaining almost sacred places where people seek knowledge, enlightenment, and a few good old-fashioned stories.

click to enlarge Best Bookstore

Jennifer Galler

Roundabout Books is your full-service bookstore with knowledgeable staff ready to help you.

This volatile combination of a staff that loves and understands books, a carefully curated selection that covers a wide variety of topics, a space that is not only comfortable and homey but also encourages hours of exploration and discovery, and offers delicious treats and caffeinated beverages as a bonus is hard to find. Roundabout Books in Northwest Crossing not only has that exact combination, but it also feels so peaceful and inviting that it can sometimes be hard to leave the store.

Owner Cassie Clemens knew instinctively that finding this balance in designing a bookstore was as important as the heritage and tactile connection we as humans have to physical media, and books in particular.

click to enlarge Best Bookstore

“We live very hectic lives,” says Clemens, “and we spend a lot of time in front of screens and headphones and things like that. I think the reason people love print books so much while other things have fallen by the wayside is because they still crave taking a moment to enjoy something beautiful. Every book is a work of art. They spark ideas and conversations, and community and people really appreciate that. People are still creating space for quiet and contemplation and taking time for themselves while also connecting with other people.”

Clemens doesn’t take the honor of Roundabout Books being named the best bookstore lightly. “I’m really grateful,” Clemens says. “Our staff works really hard. They are the most caring, loving, compassionate staff in the country. In Bend, for sure! They are passionate about getting books into the right hands and care deeply about matching books with people.” Balance achieved.

Second place: Dudley’s Bookshop Café

Roundabout Books

900 NW Mount Washington Dr., #110


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