
Parks and Recreation Committee and County Commissioners hear proposal for bike skills park

Parks and Recreation Committee and County Commissioners hear proposal for bike skills park

By Clayton Chaney and Josh Pike, Editors

The Combined Parks and Recreation Advisory Board held a regular meeting on August 1, where it heard a proposal from DUST2 representative Driz Cook to build a new bicycle skills park at Yamaguchi Park South.

Darren Lewis, director of the Pagosa Springs Parks and Recreation Department, explained that the area where the skills park is planned is south of the city’s pickleball courts and new dog park, beyond the land earmarked for a multi-use pavilion “if that comes to fruition.”

“It’s really the last area I can build on unless something changes with the proposed sanitary building that might be built down there,” he said. “There’s a really big pile of dirt down there that I need to do something with.”

Lewis also explained that the proposal calls for funds from the Conservation Trust Fund, with half provided by the City of Pagosa Springs and the other half by the county.

Cook explained that there are different types of bike parks, including downhill parks, pump tracks, and skills parks. Downhill parks are usually located at ski resorts, where riders can ride up on a lift and ride down a track with turns, jumps, and other features. Pump tracks are usually loops built to learn how to pump and use momentum to move the bike without pedaling.

Cook noted that there is a small pump track in Pagosa Springs next to the skate park at Yamaguchi Park, but mentioned that there is no signage and most people “don’t really know what to do there.”

Cook explained that an agility course simulates aspects of technical mountain bike trail riding by teaching balance and coordination at slower speeds compared to downhill or jumpline parks.

Cook suggested building a bike park to “create a place where you can learn these skills in a confined and safe area.”

Cook explained that there are two bike parks near Pagosa – in Farmington, NM and in Durango – both of which offer more extreme features, and noted that Mesa Park in Durango, currently under construction, will be the largest bike park in the country.

Cook added that he has more than 20 years of experience in mountain biking building parks and trails and that he believes “most bike parks are overbuilt and underused.”

Cook explained that Pagosa needs a bike park where people can learn skills that will give them the confidence to ride trails in “real-world conditions,” including switchbacks, ruts, rock slabs, tight sections and twisty turns.

Cook added that there aren’t many technical trails in the Pagosa area and that “we’re not prepared” when people come to mountain bike.

He pointed out that the proposal is to create a 10-element skill park, designed as a “circuit” so that participants can go around the course. The park will use natural materials such as railway sleepers, stones and wood.

He explained that the park will be open to the public and that DUST2 can use the park for events or competitions.

Cook estimated the cost of the project at about $50,000 and noted that donations of materials are expected.

“I think we can get a lot of it at a good price from people and companies because they want to donate it,” he said, adding that DUST2 is offering to take on the work with an in-kind donation of $10,000, which includes 400 hours of work at $25 an hour.

He added that DUST2 will also assume responsibility for the maintenance of the park under the supervision of the landowner.

Cook also mentioned that the park’s elements would be modular and customizable, allowing for regular checks and adjustments to the course.

Cook provided some example elements such as logs along the trail and progressive slopes where riders can learn how to roll over or jump off ledges 12 to 24 inches high.

“All of these features are based on what the coaches say you need to have,” Cook said.

Cook explained that developing additional trails on U.S. Forest Service land around Pagosa will take years and that the nonprofit DUST2 is already doing maintenance on existing trails. He noted that maintenance costs in the park would be minimal.

“We’re not going to build anything that requires a lot of skill or money to maintain,” Cook said.

He pointed out that the explanatory signs in the park would account for the majority of the costs.

“The idea is to give a beginner mountain biker the opportunity to learn their skills in a relaxed environment,” he said.

Lewis noted that construction would begin in 2025 if the project is approved by both the Pagosa Springs City Council and the Archuleta County Board of Supervisors.

The board voted unanimously to move forward with the project. Lewis said he would recommend that the city council fund the project from the Conservation Trust Fund.

At the Archuleta County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) work session on August 6, Cook and Lewis introduced the bike park to the board in a presentation similar to the one they gave to the Combined Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. They noted the need for sites to build technical bike skills and the goal of creating a simple and convenient park to do so.

Commissioner Warren Brown asked if the estimated $50,000 cost of the park included DUST2’s $10,000 contribution and whether the group was looking for other companies to finance the park.

Cook stated that the cost, plus labor, would be $50,000.

Lewis noted that the City of Pagosa Springs and Archuleta County have worked together in the past to create parks, and said the city was willing to contribute $25,000 from its Conservation Trust Fund, leaving the county with a $25,000 price tag as well.

Commissioner Veronica Medina asked how large the property would be on which the planned park would be built.

Lewis explained that part of the property is currently reserved for a possible wastewater treatment plant and that the park could be built in different sizes depending on available land.

He added that the park will initially be 1.5 acres in size, but could potentially expand to two to three acres depending on available space.

Commissioner Ronnie Maez commented that the county had previously worked with DUST2 on a bike path near Pagosa Springs High School, which had worked out “really well.”

He added that it was “money well spent” and stated that he supported the proposal for a bike park.

“We need to have a place for the kids … and the big kids too,” Maez said. “I think that’s very important. I like the way the other bike path is right now.”

Cook noted that the park would help build the confidence and skills of local bikers.

“I think it’s a great plan,” Medina said. “I liked it the first time I heard it, and I like it even more this time.”

Cook commented that the Parks and Recreation Committee voted unanimously to support the project at its August 1 meeting.

District Attorney Todd Weaver noted that the bike park could potentially be built in the county’s Cloman Park if space is not available at Yamaguchi Park.

Cook expressed his joy at having another option for the park’s location if the Yamaguchi Park cannot be built.

Lewis said the Yamaguchi Park location was suggested because it is close to the high school and there are already many people who ride bikes there.

However, he added that the group appreciated having an alternative location.

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