
Congressman secures federal funds for modernization of Paso Robles airport

Congressman secures federal funds for modernization of Paso Robles airport

Grant to finance the renovation of the main runway at Paso Robles AirportGrant to finance the renovation of the main runway at Paso Robles Airport

Paso Robles Airport.

Funds will be used to update the airport’s master plan, including revisions to the layout plan, spaceport plan, aeronautical survey and sustainability efforts.

– U.S. Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley) has announced a $530,610 federal grant to support modernization of the Paso Robles Airport. The funds, awarded through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program, will be used to update the airport’s master plan, including revisions to the airport layout, spaceport plan, aeronautical surveying and sustainability efforts.

The program invested more than $1.1 billion in airport infrastructure projects nationwide this year, with a focus on improving runways, taxiways, signage, lighting and markings.

Congressman secures federal funds for modernization of Paso Robles airportCongressman secures federal funds for modernization of Paso Robles airport

US Representative Jimmy Panetta.

“Improvements to the Paso Robles Airport are important and impact our local economy and safety,” Panetta said. “This federal funding will support those modernization efforts as we position the Paso Robles Airport to serve our northern San Luis Obispo County community well into the future. I look forward to continuing my bipartisan work in Congress to ensure the federal government does its part to make these types of significant investments in our local infrastructure projects in California’s 19th Congressional District.”

“The Paso Robles Airport is a critical regional asset that improves connectivity, supports military operations and promotes economic growth for the City of Paso Robles and all of San Luis Obispo County,” said Paso Robles Mayor John Hamon. “The new master plan will guide the long-term development of the airport and help the city obtain a spaceport license. We thank Congressman Panetta and the FAA District Office for their help in securing the federal grant to support the airport and spaceport projects.”

About the author: News Editor

The Paso Robles Daily News newsroom wrote or edited this article from local stories and press releases. The newsroom can be reached at [email protected].

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