
Houston-based space data startup wants to calculate orbital insights in real time

Houston-based space data startup wants to calculate orbital insights in real time

A Houston-based space startup has announced a new partnership designed to “push the boundaries of real-time data processing and information delivery.”

Little Place Labs is partnering with San Francisco-based Loft Orbital to couple its low-latency operations, leveraging LittlePlace Labs’ space infrastructure with LittlePlace Labs’ cutting-edge analytics. This will improve maritime area awareness as part of a U.S. Air Force Phase 2 STTR by deploying Little Place Labs’ software as a virtual mission on Loft’s YAM-6 satellites.

“Our on-orbit data processing solutions, paired with Loft’s satellite platform, enable us to derive and deliver near real-time insights for time-critical situations,” says Bosco Lai, co-founder and CEO of Little Place Labs, in a press release. “These insights are critical to commercial and national security stakeholders, including the U.S. government. This collaboration underscores the new space age where companies like Little Place Labs and Loft are coming together and integrating our solutions into powerful capabilities.”

Loft plans to deploy Little Place Labs’ applications on its satellite constellation. Each satellite node will be equipped with a sensor resource such as visible and infrared imagery and configurable software-defined radios. The satellite nodes will form Loft’s space infrastructure, which includes onboard edge computing and connectivity resources. The infrastructure will be used to build and complete complex missions. Low-latency maritime domain detection is an example of the complex challenges that do not require the deployment of new hardware. This is in line with both companies’ goals of developing real-time data solutions and rapid response in space.

“We’re proud to help customers like Little Place Labs push the boundaries of what’s possible with low-latency applications and integrated edge computing,” adds Mitchell Scher, Director of Business Development at Loft. “While we provide the infrastructure to support these types of low-latency operations, it’s only as useful as the applications our customers deploy and the operational value they generate for their end users.”

Little Place Labs will be working with another military organization as they were recently selected by AFWERX for a $1.8 million STTR Phase II contract. The focus will be on “revolutionizing space-based ISR through decentralized systems,” according to a press release. This will be done by using on-orbit ML computing for near real-time intelligence to address Department of the Air Force challenges.

Another recent collaboration involves the Orbitfy software suite on LEOcloud’s Space Edge Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). According to a press release, this will “enable scalable real-time data processing and analytics directly on the spacecraft, significantly reducing downlink costs and enabling faster mission-critical insights.” The Orbitfy software suite combines data preprocessing capabilities with low-SWaP machine learning applications designed for deployment directly on space infrastructures and satellites.

Little Place Labs also uses its real-time satellite solutions to fight wildfires. They were one of the four Companies are part of the Fire Foresight coalition’s completion of the first round of the XPRIZE Autonomous Wildfire Challenge.

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