
Researchers use neuro-ophthalmological principles to improve NFL referee performance

Researchers use neuro-ophthalmological principles to improve NFL referee performance


Photo credit: Soccerwife from Pexels

Hamza Memon and Nicholas Panzo, students at the Texas A&M University School of Engineering Medicine (ENMED), are leading an innovative project at the interface of sports and ophthalmology to improve referee performance in the National Football League (NFL). Deeply rooted in Houston’s vibrant sports culture, these Class of 2026 students are combining their interest in ophthalmology and their love of sports to make a significant contribution to a project with the NFL.

The two students met during a summer engineering program and their shared ambitions in sports and ophthalmology quickly bonded them. This friendship led them to Dr. Andrew G. Lee, chief of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Blanton Eye Institute at Houston Methodist Hospital. Under Lee’s guidance, Memon and Panzo immersed themselves in a novel project aimed at improving the skills of NFL referees through neuro-ophthalmic training.

Their efforts have already yielded results: two important articles have been published and more are to follow. The first study, which was published in the Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmologypresents a specially developed curriculum on neuro-ophthalmic principles tailored to NFL officials.

The results were promising, showing a statistically significant improvement in referees’ knowledge after training, indicating a positive acceptance and willingness of NFL referees to incorporate these principles into their on-field decision-making processes.

The second manuscript, published in visionprovides a comprehensive overview of existing research on neuro-ophthalmology and its application to referee performance in the NFL.

The study offers innovative recommendations on how referees can use 2D game data to create 3D simulations to improve their training and on-field performance. In addition, the team has created weekly quizzes to test referees’ understanding of neuro-ophthalmological principles related to the game.

A memorable highlight was watching the Houston Texans defeat the Arizona Cardinals 21-16 in November 2023 while analyzing the practical application of neuro-ophthalmic training by NFL referees during the game.

The innovative initiative showcases the versatility and interdisciplinary skills of ENMED students. It also demonstrates the potential of medical principles to improve refereeing performance in sports. Memon and Panzo have set a new standard for the integration of medical and technical knowledge in sports, offering a promising future where science and sports can work together to ensure precision and fairness.

The team would like to thank Walt Anderson, former NFL SVP of Referee Training and Development, for his invaluable insight and assistance with this project. Anderson currently serves as an NFL rules and referee analyst.

Further information:
Nicole V. Carrabba et al., Self-assessment of knowledge of neuro-ophthalmic principles and practice by National Football League referees: A pilot program to improve the precision and accuracy of referee decisions, Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology (2024). DOI: 10.1097/WNO.0000000000002129

Joshua Ong et al., Dynamic visual acuity, vestibulo-ocular reflex, and visual field in game refereeing in the National Football League (NFL): Physiology and visualization technology for virtual 3D training on the field, vision (2024). DOI: 10.3390/vision8020035

Provided by Texas A&M University

Quote: Eyes on the field: Researchers use neuro-ophthalmologic principles to improve NFL game management (August 15, 2024), accessed August 15, 2024 from

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