
Wolverhampton Council’s decision overruled

Wolverhampton Council’s decision overruled

Although Wolverhampton City Council rejected the application, a new betting shop was approved by government inspectors.

The local authority blocked Boylesports’ plan to open a stadium on Princess Street last year, saying there were too many betting shops in the area and that this would add to the “unwelcoming atmosphere of the area”.

The company appealed to building inspectors, who have the power to overrule council decisions, and won.

Inspectors said there was no evidence that another betting shop would lead to an increase in crime or anti-social behaviour.

Wolverhampton City Council opposed the move, saying it did not fit with its plans to redevelop the area.

“The proposed change of use would lead to an unacceptable concentration of betting shops in a small area,” said the planners.

There are currently three betting shops and the Old Still and Duke of York pubs on Princess Street.

Officials argued that the “coming and going between pubs and betting shops and loitering” contributed to creating a negative atmosphere.

Government inspectors said Princess Street was “pleasant and welcoming” and the opening of another betting shop would not stop the council from continuing to regenerate the area.

The store will replace the former Royal Bank of Scotland branch, which has stood empty since its closure in 2018.

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