
Shoplifting suspect arrested after escaping from Walmart on bicycle in Leesburg

Shoplifting suspect arrested after escaping from Walmart on bicycle in Leesburg

A Leesburg man was arrested on a bicycle after fleeing Walmart when he was caught stealing batteries and mouthwash.

Andrew Shona Meredith
Andrew Shona Meredith

According to a Leesburg Police arrest report, officers responded to a call at Walmart, 2501 Citrus Boulevard, about a person taking batteries and deodorant without paying at approximately 7:05 p.m. Saturday. The company told dispatch they wanted to prosecute the person, later identified as 43-year-old Andrew Shona Meredith, and enter their home because he had previously stolen from the store.

While officers were en route, dispatch reported that Meredith left the property on a silver bicycle and headed north on US Highway 27/441 toward Fruitland Park. Dispatch contacted FP police to request their assistance. They found Meredith on his bicycle near US Highway 27/441 and Palm Street and handcuffed him until LPD officers arrived, the report said.

Once at the scene, officers asked Meredith if he had any identification on him, and he told them it was in his wallet. He was also asked if he knew why he was stopped, to which he said something about a theft. He was then read his rights, informed of the charge and told he would be returned to Walmart so law enforcement could continue the investigation, the report states.

Meredith was searched before being placed in a patrol vehicle. A brown glass vial containing a white powdery substance was found in his left front pocket. It tested positive for methamphetamine and was later weighed on a scale at 0.7 grams, the report said.

Also in the same bag was a small cylinder of red Advil pills. Underneath, at the bottom of the bottle, was a small pink Ziploc plastic bag containing another powdered substance. It tested 3.3 grams of methamphetamine, the report said.

None of the allegedly stolen items were found on Walker, but he was still taken to Walmart by an officer so the investigation could continue. The officer contacted a theft prevention employee when they arrived at the store, the report states.

The LPO stated that while watching the active video cameras in her office, she observed Meredith selecting a pack of Duracell batteries from the battery shelf. As he walked around the store, he was seen by another LPO who was off-duty and was seen selecting a small bottle of Crest Scope mouthwash. The LPO observed Meredith in the home goods section attempting to open the battery pack and hide the items on his person, the report said.

When Meredith noticed the off-duty LPO, he placed the battery pack in an unknown location in the store. The Duracell batteries were valued at $6.34 and the mouthwash was valued at $2.50. The total value of the items was $8.84. The LPO filed an affidavit, initialed “yes” to prosecution and received a victim’s rights pamphlet, the report states.

The officer searched Meredith’s backpack and found a black Hohner zippered container in the front pocket that contained two clear glass pipes with black residue. He still could not find the stolen items. He informed the LPO of his findings and she believed all of the items were thrown out of Meredith’s possession when he noticed the off-duty LPO because he was familiar with them, the report states.

Meredith was arrested for petty shoplifting (less than $750), possession of methamphetamine, and drug paraphernalia (possession or use). He was taken to the Lake County Jail with bail set at $4,000.

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