
A ghost haunts this radio station in Idaho

A ghost haunts this radio station in Idaho

I heard him singing. It was 5:10 a.m. I have a colleague who doesn’t have to come in until 6:15 a.m. every morning. Some days he comes in early for special projects or to get a head start. The singing came from the outer office, near his desk. I got up and walked down the hall. Then I turned the corner and greeted him cheerfully. Then there was silence. His desk was empty.

I walked through the entire building and found it empty.

There are four radio stations in the building. You would think I heard music from one of our signals. None of the speakers were on and what I heard was not accompanied by instruments. It was a happy voice.

I’m not the type to believe in ghosts. I once thought my father called my name, two weeks after he died. On a quiet street and when I appeared, I was the only person around.

Last year, I had an experience on the Friday after Thanksgiving. It looked like a circular light moving along a wall at work, about the size of an average man.

A former CEO once observed a chair moving by itself. A colleague heard someone coming through a door on a Friday evening. He heard the noise in the next room. He realized he was still alone in the building.

These are just a few of the stories experienced by former and current employees. But I write this because I’m seeing an increase in activity. Is it just our building or are the dead rising?

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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