
Joe Pons Inner Sunset Misdirections Magic Shop holds up – Richmond Review/Sunset Beacon

Joe Pons Inner Sunset Misdirections Magic Shop holds up – Richmond Review/Sunset Beacon

By George Brown V

Many passersby walking down Ninth Avenue in the Inner Sunset can hardly resist the temptation to stick their face into the cardboard cutout of a magician pulling a bunny out of a hat right in front of Misdirections Magic Shop.

The window display is equally enchanting, with a tower of Magic 8 Balls and a variety of magic props. Inside, lights illuminate the walls, which are lined with numerous quirky card games, pranks – including the classic rubber chicken and snakes in a can – and various magic tricks that can fool anyone. Although the items on display in this shop are captivating, it’s actually Joe Pon’s amiable smile that draws you in.

Pon, a native San Francisco resident, opened his family-owned business, Misdirections Magic Shop, 28 years ago. He chose his shop’s location because it is in the safe, family-friendly neighborhood of Sunset, just off Golden Gate Park.

“The secret of magic lies in deception,” said Pon, recalling how he came up with the name of his famous magic shop.

Misdirections offers hundreds of tricks, all of which Pon knows by heart and can perform. He doesn’t just sell magic tricks. Pon analyzes a customer’s magic level so he can recommend the most appropriate tricks.

“I don’t just want to sell you tricks, I’m always looking for what’s right for you,” Pon said.

Pons’ lifelong devotion to magic began when his uncle fascinated him with a magic trick when he was five years old.

“I loved magic and practiced and studied it throughout my childhood to perfect it,” he explained.

Although Pon no longer performs magic shows, he finds time to do many other things in his business. He also teaches magic to people of all ages, from beginners to seasoned professionals, teaching them all the aspects of magic that he feels they need to know based on their skill level and experience.

Joe Pon, magician and entrepreneur at Misdirections Magic Shop on Ninth Avenue between Lincoln Way and Irving Street, has been a master of illusion for nearly 30 years. Photo by George Brown V.

“I don’t just teach you how to do the technique. The real magicianship is how you present it,” Pon said. His students, many of whom were also inspired in childhood, look to him to master the art of magic.

“My grandfather showed me a card and made it disappear when I was a child,” said Syd, one of Pons’ students. “I was specifically interested in card magic and was looking for a teacher, so I came to Joe.”

Greg, who has been Pon’s mentor for the past four years, found that his fascination with illusions also led him to Pon.

This community of passionate magicians has allowed Misdirections Magic Shop to survive for so many years, even despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the power of the internet, where people can now easily look up how magic tricks work and purchase them online.

“All the wizards come and hang out here,” Pon said. “They talk about magic. They try to learn from each other. This place creates friendships within the wizarding community.”

Pon has helped many professional magicians to achieve success by teaching them tricks for their shows and critiquing and refining their acts. Pictures of Pon alongside other notable magicians, including David Copperfield, David Blaine and Penn and Teller, hang on the walls and ceiling of Misdirections, leaving countless customers in awe of him and his accomplishments.

Perhaps one of Pons’ greatest qualities is his versatility, as he takes full responsibility for running this one-man operation that attracts visitors from all over the world.

“It’s really me all the time. You won’t find anyone else,” Pon said.

He stocks shelves, works the cash register, teaches customers tricks, gives talks, and even manages the store’s website and Instagram account.

Pon knows he’s been lucky to be able to help so many people. He’s had the privilege of seeing 5-year-olds in his shop who then grew up and now bring their children to his shop because magic is timeless. Pon is proud to pass on his knowledge, but he will never give away his secrets just like that.

Joe Pons Misdirections Magic Shop has been a fixture at Inner Sunset for 28 years. Photo by George Brown V.

“I am the gatekeeper of all magic. I am here to protect the secret, and I will only teach it to you when I know you are ready. You must take care of the trick,” said Pon.

Perhaps it is Pons’ dedication to the craft and his commitment to welcoming each customer into the magic community that has allowed Misdirections to last so long.

The Misdirections Magic Shop is located at 1236 Ninth Ave. Hours are Tuesday through Friday from noon to 3 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, visit

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