
“Why Templeton?” Residents express concerns about planned gas station

“Why Templeton?” Residents express concerns about planned gas station

Templeton community members filled the Community Services District meeting room Thursday night to discuss a project: a proposed gas station at the northeast corner of the Vineyard Dr./Highway 101 overpass.

This is the third gas station the community has opposed this year alone, making it a key discussion point at the last two meetings of the Templeton Area Advisory Group (TAAG).

At Thursday’s TAAG meeting, the developer took the podium as community members voiced their concerns.

“Why Templeton?” asked Templeton resident Dawn Carpenter.

“My biggest concern is the traffic,” said Templeton resident Ryan Allen. “If you’re there during the time you’re dropping off or picking up the kids from school, it’s like a zoo for quite a while.”

The gas station is planned in an area that also includes Eagle Canyon High School and Templeton Middle School.

Other residents, such as McKenna Johnson Hammer, said the town’s population is too small to need another gas station.

“Templeton doesn’t need any more gas stations and obviously doesn’t want any more,” Johnson Hammer said.

Developer Sunny Goyal said he is taking public feedback into account and is open to designing the gas station according to the community’s wishes.

“You say you want country. Well, that’s no problem! Country is fine. We can do that, but that’s why I’m here, to get that feedback,” Goyal said.

The next TAAG meeting will be held on September 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the Templeton Community Service District meeting room at 206 Fifth Street in Templeton.

Community members can participate and voice their concerns publicly.

The latest information about TAAG can be found here on their Facebook page.

Information about the developer can be found here at AU Energy LLC.

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