
Cigar-shaped “UFO” spotted from space station

Cigar-shaped “UFO” spotted from space station

UFOlogists have spotted another alien spaceship near the space station – and suspect that the cigar-shaped vehicle may have visited us before.

Tireless alien observer Scott C. Waring captured the object on NASA’s feed from the space station – and pointed out a similarity to a suspected vehicle spotted near the space shuttle Atlantis in 2006.

UFO observers often cite such objects as “proof” of alien spacecraft, but then fail to mention the practical explanations found for the objects seen in space.

In 1970, NASA Administrator Robert F. Allnutt concluded: “After fifteen years of manned space flight, including space stations and landings on the moon, astronauts have not brought back a shred of evidence – oral, photographic or otherwise – of the existence of extraterrestrial spacecraft or ‘UFOs.'”

Of course, this doesn’t work for Scott C. Waring, who has reported bizarre sightings throughout the solar system.

Waring says: “As I was watching, I noticed a long cylindrical object floating beside and below the space station. Its speed matched that of the ISS, but the object was semi-transparent.

“Just when I thought it was coming into focus, the screen went blue. That’s what happens when NASA catches a UFO on camera. They interrupt the transmission for a few minutes.

“It reminds me of the cylindrical UFO and spheres seen worldwide on CNN in 2006 near the space shuttle Atlantis, followed by five to ten gray metal spheres.”

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