
Buy college equipment online? Use these tips to avoid fraud

Buy college equipment online? Use these tips to avoid fraud

With college students heading back to school soon, many of them will be shopping for essentials online to score bargains, but if you don’t take precautions, you may fall victim to scammers.

Please note the following when shopping online:

  • Return and Refund Policy

  • Delivery times

  • Shipping costs

The Federal Trade Commission offers the following tips to help students avoid fraud:

Use a credit card

If possible, pay by credit card as this offers the greatest purchase protection. Credit card companies usually refund double charges or if the item never arrives to you.

According to the FTC, merchants are trying to scam you if they insist on paying with a gift card, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency.

Remember: If you use a credit card, pay it off at the end of the month to avoid interest charges.

Know before you buy

Visit the websites of reputable sellers or at least research the seller before purchasing to make sure they are reputable.

Search for reviews and check multiple sources to see if they are genuine. You can check a reviewer’s history to see if they have reviewed other items.

Keep records and account for delays

After making a purchase, keep all receipts. Make note of how much you spent and where you bought the items.

If you never received an item you purchased online, notify the seller immediately.

“If there is a delay in shipping your order, the seller must notify you and give you the choice of agreeing to the delay or canceling your order and receiving a full refund,” the FTC stated on its website. “If the seller does not ship your order, the seller must provide you with a full refund – not just a gift card or a store credit.”

For more details on the laws sellers must follow, click here.

Report all fraud cases to the FTC here.

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