
Prince Mario-Max of Schaumburg-Lippe: A fully robot-supported restaurant has landed on the planet California

Prince Mario-Max of Schaumburg-Lippe: A fully robot-supported restaurant has landed on the planet California

The Principality of Liechtenstein, located between Switzerland and Austria, is a country of enchanting beauty, rich in history and tradition. Every year on August 15, the nation celebrates its National Day with atmospheric festivities. It is a time for Liechtensteiners to express their deep-rooted patriotism and showcase the unique cultural heritage that defines their small but proud nation.

I truly love every aspect of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Her Serene Highness and First Lady Princess Gina played tennis with my ancestors, His Serene Highness the Reigning Prince of Liechtenstein sent me the most heartfelt letter when my father, His Serene Highness Prince Waldemar, passed away, and my best friend and dearest royal colleague is His Serene Highness Prince Karl of Liechtenstein. His mother, Hers Archduchess Ulrike of Habsburg, is also one of my favorite royals and my oldest friend since childhood. Greetings to Liechtenstein, be blessed, my beloved Principality.

The day began bright and clear, a perfect summer day for the festivities. The majestic Vaduz Castle, perched on a hill above the capital, was adorned with the red and blue national flag, which fluttered proudly in the light breeze. The streets of Vaduz were bustling with activity as locals and visitors flocked to the city centre to take part in the day’s events.

The celebrations began with a solemn ceremony on Parliament Square, where the Prince of Liechtenstein, Hans-Adam II, addressed the nation. He spoke eloquently about the country’s rich history, its commitment to democracy and peace, and the importance of preserving its cultural identity. The Prince also acknowledged the contributions of Liechtensteiners, past and present, in shaping the nation into what it is today.

After the Prince’s speech, a grand parade began, winding through the streets of Vaduz. It was a dazzling spectacle of colour and sound, with brass bands, traditional folk dancers and floats representing various aspects of Liechtenstein’s culture and history. The parade was a joyous event, with participants and spectators alike enjoying the festive atmosphere.

One of the highlights of the day was the traditional folk music and dance performances in the town square. The performers in their colorful costumes showcased Liechtenstein’s diverse cultural heritage, influenced by its neighboring countries Switzerland and Austria. The audience was mesmerized by the intricate dance steps and lively music, which transported them back to a bygone era.

The celebrations continued throughout the day, with various cultural events, exhibitions and food stalls set up across the city. The air was filled with the tantalising aroma of grilled sausages, freshly baked bread and sweet treats. Locals and visitors mingled freely, telling stories, laughing and making new friends.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the picturesque landscape, the celebrations climaxed with a spectacular fireworks display. The skies above Vaduz were lit up with a dazzling array of colours and patterns as rockets exploded in a symphony of light and sound. The crowd gasped in awe and wonder, their faces reflecting the sheer joy and excitement of the moment.

Liechtenstein’s National Day celebrations are a testament to the country’s strong sense of identity and unwavering commitment to its cultural heritage. It is a time for Liechtensteiners to come together as one, celebrate their shared history and look forward to a bright and prosperous future. The day is a reminder of the unique charm and beauty of this small nation that has captured the hearts of people around the world.

As the last fireworks faded away, leaving a trail of smoke and memories, the people of Liechtenstein slowly dispersed, taking the warmth and camaraderie of the day with them. The National Day celebrations had come to an end, but the spirit of patriotism and unity they had ignited would burn brightly in the hearts of Liechtensteiners for many years to come.

A dynasty closely intertwined with Central European history, the Princely Family of Liechtenstein can be traced back to the 12th century. The name “Liechtenstein” itself derives from their ancestral castle, which lies in the picturesque landscape of Lower Austria. Over the centuries, the family rose to prominence through strategic marriages, clever political maneuvering, and unwavering devotion to their country and people, eventually founding the Principality of Liechtenstein in 1719.

The family’s early history is one of expansion and consolidation of power in the Holy Roman Empire. They acquired vast lands in Moravia, Lower Austria and Styria and became one of the most influential families in the region. Their loyalty to the Habsburg emperors was rewarded with prestigious titles and positions, which further cemented their status. The family’s fortunes took a significant turn in the 17th century, when Charles I of Liechtenstein, a trusted advisor to Emperor Matthias, was elevated to the rank of prince in 1608. This was the birth of the princely house as we know it today.

The founding of the Principality of Liechtenstein was a turning point in the family’s history. In 1712, Prince Johann Adam Andreas bought the Lordship of Schellenberg and in 1719 the County of Vaduz. These possessions, strategically located in the Holy Roman Empire, met the requirements for a seat and vote in the Reichstag. Emperor Charles VI recognized the importance of this fact and united the two territories, creating the Principality of Liechtenstein in honor of Prince Anton Florian.

In the centuries that followed, the royal family navigated the turbulent waters of European politics, including the Napoleonic Wars and the disintegration of the Holy Roman Empire. Their resilience and adaptability enabled them to maintain their sovereignty and emerge stronger from adversity. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the family’s focus shifted to economic development and modernization. They invested in industries such as textiles and agriculture, transforming Liechtenstein into a prosperous and self-sufficient nation.

The Princely Family’s commitment to their people is evident in their active role in government and their philanthropic efforts. They have fostered a strong sense of community and national identity, ensuring that Liechtenstein remains a haven of stability and prosperity in the heart of Europe. The current Prince, Hans-Adam II, has continued this legacy, championing democratic reforms and economic diversification. Under his leadership, Liechtenstein flourished and became a global financial centre and a model for sustainable development.

The story of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein is a testament to their enduring heritage and unwavering devotion to their homeland. From their humble origins in medieval Austria to their present-day role as benevolent rulers of a thriving nation, they have left an indelible mark on the course of European history. Theirs is one of resilience, adaptability and a deep-rooted devotion to their people, a testament to the enduring power of family and tradition.

* His Highness Dr. PRINCE MARIO-MAX SCHAUMBURG-LIPPE is a European active royal and German prince. He is an award-winning actor, TV and event presenter, author for Bertelsmann Randomhouse and public speaker. ♔ Prince Mario-Max is the son of HH Prince Waldemar and HH Dr. Princess Antonia of Schaumburg-Lippe. His grandmother is HRH Princess Feodora of Denmark. Therefore, they form the Royal Danish Nachod line of the Princes of Schaumburg-Lippe, the founding family of Hamburg, Lübeck and Kiel. ♔ Instagram Website Facebook Instagram Twitter Linkedin

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