
Letter to the editor: The right plant in the right place

Letter to the editor: The right plant in the right place

Letter to the editor: The right plant in the right place

Published on Monday, August 19, 2024, 03:44

Gardeners often say, “The right plant in the right place,” meaning that a plant will thrive best in a location that meets its specific needs. Just as a cactus would not thrive in a bog, certain projects are best suited to certain locations. This principle applies to the Israel Hill project as well.

In response to Paul Xavier’s letter “Let’s finally offer a solution,” we believe that name-calling and labeling only weaken your argument and reveal personal biases. While we respect your right to your own point of view, we prefer a constructive and respectful dialogue.

One productive suggestion in the article is to relocate the proposed project. We agree that relocation to a site with appropriate zoning, which is not the case with Layne Street, would be beneficial. A more appropriate site would not only comply with zoning regulations, but would also be closer to future employment, transportation, grocery stores, and other essential services.

Those who challenge our right to raise concerns may suggest alternative sites in their own community or neighborhood that may better support the project’s success. We are ready to support and collaborate in these efforts. Contact STEPS today to nominate your community for consideration.

It’s been 67 days since Shawn Rozier refused to meet with the residents of Farmville.

Barbara Dickerson
Sarah Fitzgerald
Carol Anderson
Leslie Forsythe

on behalf of the Layne Street Coalition

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