
Annual parade of working horses takes place in South Bend

Annual parade of working horses takes place in South Bend

What was the news in our area this week in recent years? The History Museum offers these newspaper extracts to give you an idea.

18 August 1909: “South Bend electricians are concerned about the greatly increased voltage of the electricity used in the city. They say they were not informed until too late of the presence of high-voltage power lines and last night the City Council committee was called on the matter.” — The South Bend Tribune

19 August 1913: “Final preparations are underway for the Humane Society of South Bend’s annual Working Horse Parade on Labor Day morning. Over 400 entries have been received and tickets are coming in fast enough to suggest a high turnout.” — The South Bend Tribune

20 August 1923: “South Bend is one of Indiana’s flagship cities in the area of ​​industrial employment, according to a survey by the Department of Labor. It has a steady supply of workers at high wages, and in some areas there is a labor shortage, the survey says.” — The South Bend Tribune

21 August 1939: “JoAnn Eberhart, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eberhart, Jr., of 1442 East Jefferson Boulevard, won the national championship in the junior girls’ division in a baton twirling competition held Saturday evening at the Chicagoland Music Festival in Chicago.” — The South Bend Tribune

22 August 1948: “According to Dr. LG Ericksen, 1322 East Wayne Street North, who returned Saturday from a two-month trip with Mrs. Ericksen and their daughter Joan, there is nothing in Western Europe today that is as valuable as the American dollar. Dr. Ericksen bases his observation on the favorable exchange rate he has been able to obtain in almost every country he has visited.” — The South Bend Tribune

23 August 1950: “Seventeen applications were received for the position of maintenance manager at the St. Joseph County Airport at a meeting of the Aviation Commissioner in the terminal building on Tuesday.” — The South Bend Tribune

24 August 1969: “St. Joseph County is opening its fifth jail in history this week, and the public will have the opportunity to tour the new facility today, Monday and Tuesday before prisoners move in later in the week. Sheriff Elmer Sokol and the County Board of Commissioners will participate in a brief dedication ceremony at 2 p.m. today at the main entrance to the jail on S. Main St., south of the courthouse.” — The South Bend Tribune

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