
A teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifter

A teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifter

A teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifterA teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifter

Hey, if your car is smoking, you need to pull over and take care of your business (TCB).

This is what this person tried to do…but she ran into some complications when a business owner decided to make her life difficult.

Read on to find out how they dealt with this major meanness…

“Years ago I had a 1986 Chevy Cavalier that my dad gave me, which was super nice of him… it wasn’t the best car, but it usually got me from point A to point B with no problem.

One day I was on my way to visit a friend, but I forgot that the Woodward Dream Cruise was happening… Side note: people who live near this event call it the “Woodward Nightmare Cruise.”

A never-ending line of classic cars drives up and down Woodward Avenue from Detroit to Birmingham, an annual mobile tribute to Detroit as the “Motor City”… and a great time if you like old cars, modified vehicles, or weirdness like motorized sofas or bar stools.

As you can imagine, it attracts quite a lot of people every year and leads to extreme traffic congestion!


So I’m stuck in cruise control, and after maybe half an hour of stop-and-go traffic, my old car overheated… If I hadn’t gotten coolant, my engine would have been gone.

I’m a few blocks from a gas station, but traffic just isn’t moving, so I pulled into the first driveway and parked in front of a store I’d never noticed before.

As I drove in, steam was shooting out from under my hood!

Just as I get out of my car, a lady of about 60 with grey hair in a purple skirt comes running out of the store and shouts: “You are not allowed to park here, this is a parking lot for customers only!”

I looked at her and then at my car and she stammered: “You have to move your car or I’ll call the police!”

I had no intention of moving my car (driving it at all would have literally destroyed it), but immediately the inspiration for MC came to mind and I decided to enter this woman’s shop.

She was clearly disturbed by this action and ended up following me everywhere I went in her store, watching me like an angry hawk.

The shop turned out to be one of those new age shops for incense, candles, astrology… ok, whatever I can do with that.

Let’s take a look…

Partly to make my point, but mostly because my car needed to cool down before driving… I calmly examined EVERY SINGLE ITEM she was selling, watching my every move – she was following me the WHOLE TIME.

Looking back, I’m surprised she didn’t have a stroke.

Meanwhile, another employee who works here is getting really annoyed by how busy this little shop is all the time because she does all the actual work.

I felt bad for the lady who worked there, but I can practically guarantee that store lost a ton of money because of that lady’s insistence on harassing me…both through other people shoplifting (which I had no intention of doing) and people simply leaving because her checkout time was insanely long.

Time to go!

About three hours later, the crowds thinned out and I had literally seen everything there was to see in the place. At this point, I thought my car had cooled down enough to make the short drive to the nearby gas station.

I grabbed a $1 item I had spotted hours earlier—a tiny purple floating candle in the shape of a turtle—and paid for it.

She was still visibly angry and very rude as she typed in this single, insignificant and cheap item. As I left – receipt in hand of course – I smiled and said, “Wow, looks like I’m a paying customer, bye.”

The angry grey-haired lady didn’t really say anything, but she literally turned red in the face… also the second cashier was kind of laughing hysterically when I came out… oh, and my mom really liked the little turtle candle at the end.”

Check out what people had to say on Reddit.

A reader told a story.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Another person spoke up.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

This Reddit user chimed in.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Another person shared their thoughts.

Source: Reddit/Malicious ComplianceSource: Reddit/Malicious Compliance

Just take your time…

As long as you do what they asked!

If you enjoyed this story, check out this video of a former Chipotle employee revealing how the company cheats customers out of food.

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