
Christina Gill smears food on the floor while stumbling through the Nashville International Airport garage – Scoop: Nashville

Christina Gill smears food on the floor while stumbling through the Nashville International Airport garage – Scoop: Nashville

Christina Gill smears food on the floor while stumbling through the Nashville International Airport garage – Scoop: Nashville

Christina Gill, 28, was seen stumbling around in Nashville International Airport’s Terminal Garage 1 on August 17, looking for her car. When cleaning staff noticed this, they flagged down officers and informed them of the situation. Officers conducted a search and found Gill, noting that she appeared to be under the influence of some kind of drug. When they arrived, Gill was slumped over her luggage, digging through her bag. Officers asked Gill what she was doing, and she replied, “I’m looking for my car so I can go home.”

During their conversation, Gill’s speech was slurred. However, she told police that she was fine and had no injuries, ailments, or other reasons for her behavior. Gill subsequently took a breathalyzer test and did poorly. While trying to collect her belongings, Gill spilled her food on the floor. Instead of picking up her food, Gill smeared it on the floor and nearly fell. Gill was subsequently deemed a danger to herself and taken into custody for public intoxication.

Christina Gill (MNPD)
Christina Gill (MNPD)

Christina Gill was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on August 17, charged with public intoxication. A corrections commissioner set her bail at $100.

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