
Search for driver who vandalized Southeast Portland fire station

Search for driver who vandalized Southeast Portland fire station

Firefighters are searching for the person responsible for the devastation of a fire station in southeast Portland.

According to Portland Fire and Rescue, Fire Station 25 was vandalized at 1:46 a.m. on August 18. The suspect was driving a white 1997-2003 Ford F150 pickup truck with a long bed piled with trash.

Fire Station 25 serves the Mt. Scott-Arleta and Woodstock neighborhoods.

Officials say the driver sounded the horn to make an emergency repair and return the gate to full operation while the car drove over the curb and onto the grass. The driver backed onto the street, then returned to the station’s driveway and struck the garage door, causing significant damage.

Investigators believe the vehicle may have sustained damage from impacts with the door and flagpole on the front passenger side and along the passenger side.

PF&R also notes that mud may have built up on the sides of the body, tires and wheels due to the damage to the turf.

The fire department is asking anyone who recognizes this vehicle to contact Lt. Jason Andersen at 503-823-3787 or via email at [email protected]. If you know the current location of the vehicle, please call 911 to report it.

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