
Roben Hood Airport in Big Rapids is replacing an outdated 100-liter fuel tank.

Roben Hood Airport in Big Rapids is replacing an outdated 100-liter fuel tank.

BIG RAPIDS – Roben-Hood Airport will receive a new 5,000 gallon 100LL (low lead) general aviation fuel tank.

The Big Rapids City Commission approved replacing the current 100-gallon tank during its August 12 meeting.

Airport manager Steve Schroeder said the airport currently operates a self-service fueling station consisting of 100-liter fuel for piston aircraft and Jet-A fuel for turbine aircraft.

The replacement of the 100 ll fuel tank had been the subject of discussion for some time and now it was finally possible to solicit and obtain quotes for the replacement of the tank.

“The last time the tank was inspected, it was discovered that the inner lining of the tank had holes in it, which means the tank could fail at any time,” said Schroeder. “If that happens, we will no longer be able to operate. At that time, the recommendation was to replace the tank.”

He explained that if the fuel were to penetrate the first wall, it would be trapped in the double wall and would no longer be usable and would likely be wasted even if the tank was replaced.

He added that, as far as he remembers, the current tank is the original tank that was used in the old hangar before the new hangar was built and was refurbished at that time.

“We had some difficulties in the tendering process in terms of the scope of the work, which caused significant delays,” he said. “We received two bids. We think this is a good project and recommend that the contract be awarded to Northern Pump Services.”

The project will replace the 5,000-gallon tank and pump and add a recovery system, Schroeder said.

“We regularly test the aviation fuel for contamination and then have to dispose of it after testing,” he said. “The recovery system allows us to recycle it.”

The total cost of the project is nearly $156,000 and will be partially funded by proceeds from the sale of land at the airport and funds set aside for the project in the CIP.

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