
City announces planned rent increase for auditorium and pavilion – The Vicksburg Post

City announces planned rent increase for auditorium and pavilion – The Vicksburg Post

City announces planned increase in rental prices for auditorium and pavilion

Published on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 16:29

Mayor George Flaggs Jr. has announced a proposal to increase rents for both the Ardis T. Williams Sr. Auditorium and the City Pavilion.

“Due to rising operating and maintenance costs, the difficult decision was made to adjust rental fees,” city officials said in a statement Tuesday. “This change is essential to maintaining the high quality service and maintenance of these important community venues.”

Flaggs has spoken several times in recent meetings about the possibility of increasing fees at both city venues as the Oct. 1 start of the new fiscal year approaches. On Tuesday, city officials announced that new rental rates for the City Pavilion will increase from $100 to $200 beginning with the Oct. 1 start date, with the additional required $100 security deposit and $50 minimum insurance coverage remaining unchanged.

Rental rates for the Ardis T. Williams Sr. Auditorium vary depending on the details of the event.

Flaggs said the changes would be recommended to City Councilors Alex Monsour and Thomas “TJ” Mayfield and Auditor General Doug Whittington before the final vote.

“We are committed to ensuring that the Ardis T. Williams Auditorium and City Pavilion remain accessible venues for all,” Flaggs said. “While this decision has been challenging, it is necessary to provide the best possible service to the community.”

Effective October 1, auditorium rates include the following events: School events $650; Government events $650; Benefits/Charities/501(c)(3) $650; Church events $650; Fundraisers/Memorials/Memorials $650; Meetings/Seminars $1,000; Receptions $1,000; Family reunions $1,000; Birthday parties $1,000; Class reunions $1,000; Social/Civic clubs $1,000; Graduations $1,000; Dance/Theater performances $1,100; Balls/Dances $1,100; Circus $1,200; Gospel $1,200; Weddings/Receptions $1,200; Fairs/Exhibitions: $1,200; Wrestling/Boxing: $1,500; Comedy Shows: $1,500; Pageants: $1,500; Blues Shows/Concerts: $1,500; Other: $1,200.

These fees do not include a $200 security deposit, insurance, and host liquor liability insurance. Security is a separate fee and is paid to the security provider.

Checks can be made out to the city clerk’s office, the deposit to the vendor, and the host’s alcohol liability fees to the company sponsoring the event.

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