
Woman with life-threatening burns flown out by helicopter after house explosion in Pickens County

Woman with life-threatening burns flown out by helicopter after house explosion in Pickens County

A Pickens County woman is in critical condition after a devastating explosion in her home over the weekend.

The 62-year-old woman, identified by her family and colleagues as Shelly Harlan, was flown by helicopter to the burn unit at Grady Memorial Hospital following the explosion on Saturday.

The explosion occurred around 2:30 p.m. on Highway 53 West near Ludville, fire officials said.

Relatives report that Harlan suffered burns on 60 percent of her body.

Since arriving at Grady, she has been on a ventilator and can only communicate through simple gestures.

“We got the call around 3 a.m. Saturday that the house had exploded and they were being taken by helicopter to Grady’s burn unit,” said Rebecca McClure, owner of Annie’s Restaurant in Jasper, where Harlan has worked for the past four years. “As far as she remembers, she was inside, but all we can get out of her are a few blinking sounds.”

Harlan did not live in the house on the property, but rather above the garage. The building appeared to have taken the brunt of the explosion.

A house explosion on Highway 53 West near Ludville left a woman in critical condition on August 17, 2024.

A house explosion on Highway 53 West near Ludville left a woman in critical condition on August 17, 2024.

Miraculously, a neighbor found her in the front yard after the explosion and was able to wait with her until paramedics arrived, McClure said.

“She’s a miracle. But she’s a fighter,” McClure said.

Since the incident, the Jasper community has rallied around Harlan, offering support and help. “The community has come. Pickens County, we are small but we are mighty,” McClure said. She noted the overwhelming support from customers, friends and family, many of whom offered financial help and other forms of support.

Harlan has already undergone several operations and the prognosis remains uncertain. “We are doing one operation at a time. She will need many. She no longer has a house; her car is a write-off,” McClure explained.

The cause of the explosion is still being investigated by the Pickens County Fire Department.

McClure said she set up a checking account in Harlan’s name at a community bank because it was the quickest way to help her.

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