
DVIDS – News – TAP opens store at new location

DVIDS – News – TAP opens store at new location

JOINT BASE MYER-HENDERSON HALL, VA – The Transition Assistance Program at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall will open Sept. 3 at a new location in JBM-HH’s cafeteria, America’s Kitchen.
The transition from military service to civilian life can be a stressful process and TAP staff is available to assist departing soldiers with all the steps necessary for this transition.
Until TAP staff settle into their new space, they are offering virtual services to meet the needs of military members and their spouses.
Participation in the TAP program is mandated by Congress, and Juan Carlos Rodriguez, JBM-HH’s TAP manager, said TAP currently serves between 800 and 1,000 soldiers each year.
The move gives TAP more flexibility to offer more programs to more military families preparing for the transition to civilian life.
“We used to have room for 25 people per class, now we have a classroom where we can accommodate a maximum of 50 people,” Rodriguez said. “This gives us more flexibility so people don’t have to wait for a specific class because we have more space now.”
Being located inside the cafeteria also makes TAP more visible and well-known. Rodriguez said it’s easier for people to stop by if they have questions or need information.
An open house is planned for November to give visitors a chance to meet TAP staff and see the new facilities. Rodriguez also plans to convene roundtables with employers and create other opportunities to engage transitioning soldiers.
TAP is an experience that explores the cultural shift many military families experience as they transition from military life to civilian life, Rodriguez said. Whether they are career soldiers or have only been in the force for a short time, they are moving from a military culture where everything was provided for them to one where they have to figure things out on their own, adapt and try to find their place in civilian society. He believes the sooner the mindset begins to change, the easier the transition will be.
“One of our mottos is ‘Go early and go often,'” Rodriguez said. “We ask you to start as early as possible because not only is there a lot of information and workshops, but there is a lot of training that you have to go through and there are a lot of resources out there. To take advantage of those resources, you need time.”
For more information about the TAP program, visit:

Date recorded: 19.08.2024
Date of publication: 21.08.2024 10:23
Story ID: 479101
Location: US

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