
Shop owner shoots to prevent lightning break-in

Shop owner shoots to prevent lightning break-in

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) — Someone attempted a quick break-in at KZ Jewelry Designs in Rancho Bernardo on Tuesday. The owner grabbed a gun and fired a shot into the ceiling to scare the perpetrator away.

Still, people feel unsafe in the area. Some also wonder whether the state’s laws are sufficient to hold thieves accountable.

According to San Diego police, the attempted robbery occurred at 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday while JZ Jewelry Designs was still open. The owners took videos showing glass panels throughout the store and the hammer used to smash them.

Surveillance camera footage shows the potential thief wearing a black ski mask.

Fred Nasseri has owned Unicorn Jewelry next door for 45 years. He says it’s harder to feel safe in his own store and that the state’s laws are too lenient on this type of crime.

“A slap on the wrist. They should basically go and arrest these guys and punish them,” Nasseri said. “Someone is going to get hurt on the street. Unfortunately, people are going to say, ‘Wow, we have to stop this.’ But before that happens, we have to stop this.”

Meanwhile, Proposal 36, which will be voted on in November, would increase penalties for retail crimes and make it easier to prosecute serious crimes. It also includes new penalties for drug use.

According to a UC Berkeley poll, more than half of Californians support the measure, but opponents say it could lead to disproportionate penalties and prison sentences for people of color.

The owners of KZ Jewelry Designs did not want to appear on camera, but told ABC 10News they have been scared since the robbery.

ABC 10News has reached out to San Diego Police for comment but has not yet received a response.

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