
Why store-bought beef jerky is so expensive

Why store-bought beef jerky is so expensive

Beef jerky is tasty, chewy, and filling, but unfortunately it comes with a pretty high price tag. At about $20 per pound for a bag of beef jerky, the price is pretty shocking, especially considering how quickly you can polish off a small bag of the tasty dried meat. Because of its high price, this addictive snack is more of a treat than an everyday grocery item, and is often strategically placed near the checkout line to encourage last-minute impulse purchases. But what makes this seemingly simple snack so expensive in the first place?


The answer lies in the quality of the beef, the time-consuming process of making jerky, and the fact that the beef shrinks significantly in the jerky process. According to Jack Link’s, one of the most popular beef jerky brands in the grocery store, “The price of lean meat (and other factors like (their) gourmet seasoning blend, signature hardwood blend of wood chips, etc.) increase the overall cost of each bag.” The process of making beef jerky differs depending on the manufacturer (big store brands vs. smaller artisan shops), but generally, it involves cutting thin slices of lean beef, adding marinade and seasonings, curing the meat to preserve it, and cooking and drying or smoking it to remove moisture content. This time-intensive process can take several days, which contributes to the higher cost.


An expensive, time-consuming process

Beef jerky is usually made from high-quality, lean cuts that cost more than fatty cuts of beef, driving up the price. Topside and bottom round are popular cuts for beef jerky because they are lean, have a tasty beef flavor, and are consistently large, making them easier to produce. Some small-batch jerky manufacturers may use higher-quality beef, such as grass-fed or organic, driving up the price even further.


In addition to high-quality meat, it takes a large amount of beef to make a small batch of jerky. Beef has a high water content, which is significantly reduced by dehydration or smoking. For example, according to Mountain America Jerky, a 50-pound load of beef in their smokehouse only yields 23 pounds of jerky. So the next time you’re wondering how little jerky is in your expensive snack bag, it might help to remember that it was a much larger portion of beef before drying.

Finally, while large jerky manufacturers use industrial dehydrators to produce their jerky, if you buy high-quality, locally produced or small-batch jerky, there’s a good chance it’s been smoked, not dried. Jerky made in a smoker is generally more tender than that made in a dehydrator, but the process is also more labor- and time-intensive, which can drive up the price.


Save money by making your own beef jerky

You can save money by making beef jerky at home because you don’t have to pay labor costs, but the cost will vary depending on the quality of beef you buy. The beef round is one of the best cuts of meat to make premium beef jerky at home because it’s tender, lean, and easy to slice thinly. (It’s also an ideal cut for the best roast beef sandwiches.) However, it tends to be a bit more expensive than the top or bottom half of beef. Aside from the side of beef, various cuts of beef can be used to make jerky, including flank steak and flank steak. Venison is also a popular choice because deer meat is leaner than beef. Just avoid fatty cuts, which will result in unwanted gristle in your jerky.


There are several ways to make jerky at home – in a smoker (or grill converted into a smoker), dehydrator, oven, or air fryer – and there are mixed opinions on which method is best. Some say a smoker is best because it can enhance the flavor and give the meat a smoky aroma – however, it generally takes longer (6 to 12 hours) than a dehydrator (4 to 6 hours). Air fryers and ovens are good for small batches and typically take 3 hours. To save time and money by making it at home, make the largest batch possible that will last a long time.

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