
Do you get paid to use less energy in Texas homes?

Do you get paid to use less energy in Texas homes?

Due to the record-breaking temperatures we’ve experienced across Texas over the past few weeks, many of us have been using significantly more energy at home.

Whether we constantly turn on the air conditioners in the windows or use central air conditioning, we are using much more energy than normal. This always causes problems in the power grids across the state and puts a strain on them.

This has led ERCOT and others to implement a kind of rolling blackout system at times. When the power grid is overloaded, it can’t deliver the energy that everyone needs, and the system becomes overloaded. That happens, and a lot of people lose power.

But the question for years has been how we can reduce energy consumption and get people to join in. Nobody wants to heat their house to over 27 degrees Celsius when it’s over 38 degrees outside.

One of the ideas being discussed recently is: What if companies paid their customers money NOT to use so much energy?

Hmmm, that would make me think a little. We all know what the economy is like right now and everyone is either looking for ways to cut costs or bring more money into the household to survive.

For example, if Xcel offered me a $100 bill credit per month if I only used a certain amount of electricity during peak hours, I would have to take that into account. Let’s say my electricity bill is normally $150 per month. Then I would only have to pay $50 per month and that would be fine for me.

Plus, I’m usually busy with my kids’ baseball practices or games during peak hours, so I’m already using a little less energy than usual since the family isn’t usually home. If I can use that to my advantage, why wouldn’t I?

While it’s not set in stone that they’ll implement this system or idea, it would be interesting to see how many people would be willing to be a little warmer for a few hours to save a lot of money.

As a Texan, visit these 16 cities and villages in Texas at least once

It is a fact that Texas is a huge state and because of its size, there is also a lot to see, visit and do in the Lone Star State. Both Texas visitors and Texans should visit our amazing cities and attractions. These are by no means all of the activities in these wonderful cities. These are just a few examples of things to do.

Gallery Credits: Lucky Larry

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