
Park City’s Pack 3072 is Utah’s fastest growing Cub Scout group

Park City’s Pack 3072 is Utah’s fastest growing Cub Scout group

Credit: Boy Scouts of America

According to the group, Park City’s Pack 3072 is the fastest growing Cub Scout group in Utah.

In 2023, a group of parents worked to revitalize the city’s Cub Scout group. Bethany Byers, Ryan Bruce, Cory Capoccia and Justin Kenlon decided that Scouting was a program they wanted to offer to children in Park City and Wasatch Back.

“It was important to me to create an opportunity for this community to exist and come together,” said Byers, the troop’s committee chair. “It was clear from our first informal parent meeting that there was a lot of interest in starting a Boy Scout troop in Park City. So Justin, Ryan, Cory and I took the reins and it’s worked out incredibly well.”

Word got around and others felt the same way. Over the course of the school year, Pack 3072’s membership shrank from zero to 45, the troop said.

Many of the leaders and parents were in the Boy Scouts when they were young or are Eagle Scouts themselves.

“I really wanted my children and others in our community to experience the same life lessons and skills that I learned in the Boy Scout program,” said Justin Kenlon, Cubmaster,

Ryan Bruce, a parent on the pack committee, said, “It’s such a good time for Scouting America. We’re excited to welcome these girls and boys into a program that focuses on outdoor responsibility and leadership.”

Gavin Manes, Unit Commissioner for Wasatch District 6, said, “Outdoor recreation is an important cornerstone of this community. We are very fortunate to be able to instill the kind of outdoor leadership and stewardship that will have an impact for years to come.”

The Cub Scout Pack is open to grades K-5. Registration for this year’s Pack 3072 is open at and scholarships are available.

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