
Small businesses benefit from the trend towards natural gas vehicles

Small businesses benefit from the trend towards natural gas vehicles

Small businesses benefit from the trend towards natural gas vehicles

Sometimes a seemingly quaint story can actually signal a significant shift in the way Americans do business. In this video, contributor Aimee Duffy talks with Tyler Crowe about how natural gas vehicles are not only disrupting the world of major manufacturers like General Motors And ford but also small family businesses across America. Ultimately, Aimee argues, it’s a small development on the surface, but it’s critical to our energy future.’

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The article “Small Businesses Benefit from the Trend to Natural Gas Vehicles” originally appeared on

Fool contributor Aimee Duffy owns shares of Ford. Fool contributor Tyler Crowe owns shares of Westport Innovations. The Motley Fool recommends Ford, General Motors, and Westport Innovations and owns shares of Ford and Westport Innovations. Try one of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools don’t all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a broad range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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