
Improvements to city’s Veterans Park on schedule | News, Sports, Jobs

Improvements to city’s Veterans Park on schedule | News, Sports, Jobs

BOB ROLLEY/FOR THE EXPRESS Some of the work being done at Veterans Park in Lock Haven is photographed from the top of the levee.

Improvements continue to be made at Veterans Park and the goal of reaching Veterans Day 2024 remains highly relevant.

LOCK HAVEN – Veterans Park continues to move toward completion as the Nov. 11 dedication ceremony approaches, according to local veteran and business owner David Harger, who has led the effort to breathe new life into the landmark.

The ceremony is expected to begin at 11 a.m., followed by a reception at the VFW where attendees can enjoy refreshments, small meals and cake.

Recent developments at the park include the delivery and placement of prefabricated elements that still need to be leveled and colored.

The walkway to the Clinger Steps has been completed and the foundation for the park’s fountain has been poured, but completion may be delayed due to financial constraints.

A particular highlight of the work done so far is the completion of the park’s most important work of art, which is currently in storage.

The $72,500 artwork is scheduled to be installed in October to protect it from the elements. A marble base for the installation has been ordered from a Pennsylvania quarry.

In addition, all graphics for the back wall have been ordered. The design work for the back wall, valued at $107,000, will be performed by Faber Fab of Lock Haven.

The park’s flagpoles have also been purchased and are scheduled to be installed weather permitting. Once the flagpole bases are in place, the concrete walkways will be extended. The large flagpole currently in the park will be moved behind the Corman Amphitheater and positioned between the plank house and the ramp leading to the seating area.

In addition to the walkway installations, electrical work will be carried out to ensure good lighting in the park. The flag stands, art wall and main artwork will be illuminated.

Harger gave special thanks to Brian from St. John Masonry and Billy Edwards for their help with the concrete work, which they agreed to do free of charge.

All work to date has been donated by Harger of Harger Utility Contractors, Inc., a small business owned by a disabled veteran.

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