
Sandwich shop employee was hit from behind in his car in the parking lot and robbed: Cleveland Heights police report

Sandwich shop employee was hit from behind in his car in the parking lot and robbed: Cleveland Heights police report


Robbery: Coventry Road

On August 15 at 6:45 a.m., an employee at Dave’s Cosmic Subs, 1842 Coventry Road, reported that he was unloading merchandise from his car to take it into the store when a man rear-ended him and demanded his money.

The victim was injured when he fell forward and hit his face against the upper frame on the passenger side of his car. The victim handed over his wallet, which contained $70, his driver’s license and credit cards. The suspect got into the car and also took the man’s laptop from the passenger seat.

The victim told police that everything happened very quickly and that all he could tell the officer was that the suspect was dressed all in black and was thin. There was no weapon in sight.

The suspect ran west on Lancashire Road.

The victim had a swollen eye and a cut on his forehead.

Officers took DNA tests from the victim’s shirt and any other items the suspect may have touched.

Another officer, who was not yet aware of the robbery, believed he saw the suspect get into a black sedan and drive quickly away from Lancashire.

Police attempted to review video footage from residents’ doorbell cameras along the street to identify the suspect.

Theft: Redwood Road

On August 15 at 8 a.m., a 72-year-old man reported his bicycle stolen from his property. The estimated value of the bike is $3,500.

Theft: Quarry Drive

On August 19 at 6:50 p.m., a man reported that two guns had been stolen from his car while it was parked in his driveway overnight.

The man told police that his car door was locked, but that there was no damage to the car as a result of a break-in attempt.

The man’s security camera showed someone running up his driveway, but not the person getting into the car. The person then ran into the backyard.

In the backyard, a piece of the fence was missing, which could have potentially allowed the person to run into the neighbor’s backyard. In the backyard of the man’s property, police found additional items that had been stolen from the man’s car, including a holster.

Police recovered DNA from the holster and glove compartment of the man’s car.

Blackmail: Overlook Road

On August 19 at 9:50 p.m., a man reported that he had met a woman online on a website called Sniffies. He exchanged phone numbers and text messages with the woman, as well as nude photos.

The woman then told the man that she was taking money for sex. The man replied that he did not pay for sex.

The woman then informed him via text message that she knew his address and that if he did not comply with her demands, she would send nude photos of him to his friends, family members and employer and tell them that he was a sex offender and rapist.

However, the woman did not make any demands in her text message. The man said he had not heard from the woman since her threat.

He wanted the incident to be reported if she carried out her threat. The man gave the police the woman’s alleged first and last name.

Attempted car theft: Coventry Road

On August 15 at 8:40 a.m., a man reported that he had parked his car in the parking lot of his residence at 1773 Coventry Road at 8 p.m. the previous evening.

When he went to his car at 8 a.m. the next day, he found that the door lock had been broken and the steering column had broken off.

Attempted car theft: Mayfield Road

On August 15 at 11:15 a.m., a man told police that he parked his car, a 2021 Kia Forte, on the property of his residence at 2835 Mayfield Road at 8:00 p.m. on August 14.

When the man went to his car at 8 a.m. on August 15, he found that the driver’s window had been smashed and the steering column had been ripped out.

The police secured DNA traces in the car.

Attempted car theft: Woodview Road

On August 17 at 10:50 p.m., a man reported that his son saw three men in his 2020 Kia Sorento, which was parked in the man’s driveway. After the men exited the car, it was discovered that the steering column had been detached.

The suspects ran north on Woodview toward Noble Road. The man pursued the suspects but was unable to catch them.

It later turned out that the outside of the car’s driver’s door handle was also damaged.

Police were unable to locate the suspects. DNA evidence was collected.

Read more in the Sun Press.

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